
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Professor Dirk Uwe Sauer is a new member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science

June 22nd, 2021 | by

Professor Dirk Uwe Sauer is a new member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science, which transcends disciplinary and national borders. For more than 300 years, the Academy has brought together outstanding scientists, among them 80 Nobel Prize winners. Professor Sauer is a member of the Academy’s technical science class. At our faculty, Professor Sauer holds the Chair of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems Technology. His chair is an integral part of the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA), the Institute for Power Generation and Storage Systems (PGS), and the joint Helmholtz Institute HIMS with Forschungszentrum Jülich and the University of Münster. With his work, Dirk Uwe Sauer is significantly advancing the field of battery research in Germany, which is highly application-oriented. In addition to his actual research, he also always keeps an eye on the overall view of future energy systems, so that he can carefully evaluate alternative technologies along the time axis, such as hydrogen versus battery technologies. His expertise also makes him a sought-after advisor to policymakers: for example, he is a member of the German government’s National Platform for Electromobility and Platform for Mobility and is on the BMBF’s Battery Research Advisory Board.

Further Information:

RWTH Pressemitteilungen 

Institut für Stromrichtertechnik und Elektrische Antriebe

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