Schlagwort: ‘Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik’
Birthday edition of the RWTH Science Night ‘5 to 12’

The magnetic globe rotates weightlessly on its own axis – just like in outer space
For the 20th time, RWTH Aachen University offered a glimpse behind the scenes. This time, 7,200 visitors, including many children, came to the C.A.R.L. auditorium between 6 p.m. and midnight to experience the world of research at close quarters.
What started out as a modest idea to present science at an unusual time, in an entertaining way and free of charge to anyone interested, has grown over the past 20 years into a mega-event that not only attracts thousands of guests, but also inspires the members of the university involved. Once again, the team of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology welcomed curious children of all ages and were on hand to help them with experiments.
With questions such as “Why isn’t the light on now?”, “How does that work?” or “Can I do one more experiment?” younger children followed their natural urge to discover new things.
The programme included reconstructing electrical circuits where they could visualise electric current as light or movement. They made switches, explored the magnetic and thermal effects of electricity, learned to distinguish between conductors and non-conductors, and finally became familiar with electricity.

Faculty members provide support when experimenting with electric circuits
Older children ‘already had this at school’ and enjoyed putting their theoretical knowledge to the test. But adults also found their way to our station, taking the opportunity to generate lightning with the influencing machine, thoughtfully lingering in front of the floating globe, or attentively studying the model of the power distribution network set up by the Chair of Automation of Complex Power Systems. The joy of experiencing research and progress together is clearly at the centre of the Science Night.
„We want to show in an entertaining way what RWTH has to offer – and in such a way that everyone who wants to know something can understand it,’ said Rector Ulrich Rüdiger.
The potential of the Science Night is therefore even greater, as it represents an important interface where the direct transfer of knowledge takes place in a social and cultural context. In line with the motto ‘from the laboratories to the people’, it makes an important contribution to promoting proximity between science and society.

The station of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, equipped with numerous child-friendly experiments
The programme for this year’s Science Night took place in ten lecture halls and numerous seminar rooms. There were over 80 shows and lectures, experiments, talks and discussions. From Artificial Intelligence (the experts from the RWTH’s AI Centre had brought along the robot ‘Pepper’ for support) to the ‘Physics Fair’, from the latest information on the US elections and the spectacular ‘Fascination of High Voltage’ to the circular economy, floating Teslas and the construction site of the future. The range of topics was as colourful and diverse as the RWTH itself.
Further information on the programme, as well as impressions and experiences of the organisers – Department of Press and Communication, Section 3.2 – can be accessed via the links.
Visit from Professor Mohamend-Ali Belabbas
Professor Mohamed-Ali Belabbas, this year’s winner of the ‘Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel Research Award’ from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, is visiting the Chair of Intelligent Control Systems during August.
The Chair of Intelligent Control Systems will be the host during the funding period.
We congratulate the award winner and wish him a pleasant stay.
Further information on the sponsorship can be found on the website of the Alexander von Humbold Foundation.
Tim Brimmers: Winner of the SEW-EURODRIVE Foundation Study Award 2023
Congratulations to Tim Brimmers, who will be awarded the 2023 Study Prize worth 2,500 euros at the Ernst Blicke Award Ceremony on 17 May 2024.
The Executive Board of the SEW-EURODRIVE Foundation selected Mr Brimmers as the winner in order to fulfil the Foundation’s purpose of honouring and making visible outstanding academic achievements of young people.
We, the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, are very proud to have such outstanding candidates as Tim Brimmers in our ranks.
Student of the year 2024: Contimi Kenfack Mouafo

Contimi Kenfack Mouafo is Student of the Year 2024. © Thorsten Karbach
The German University Association has awarded the title of ‘Student of the Year 2024’ to an outstanding young man who is studying Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at RWTH and is involved with the ‘3 E’s 4 Africa’ association. Congratulations to him!
Contimi Kenfack Mouafo is a passionate advocate for the potential of young people in Africa. He campaigns against climate change with innovative projects and aims to correct the negative image of his home continent.
“We must show that African countries are different from the negative stereotypical images that are constantly conveyed.”, says Contimi Kenfack Mouafo.
The association ‘3 E’s 4 Africa’ promotes projects that focus on sustainable fertiliser production from green hydrogen in Namibia and more efficient biogas plants for small farmers in Ghana. The organisation’s name stands for Education, Empowerment and Ecofriendliness.
At the age of 19, the student came to Germany to study and became active in Engineers Without Borders. Later, he founded the ‘3 E’s 4 Africa’ association, where he has been the Chairman of the Board ever since. The association aims to support African students who are working on local education and research projects related to energy transition, combating climate change, and climate change adaptation. German students also contribute to this objective.
The organisation promotes research projects that are environmentally friendly and tackle local challenges while developing African solutions. They network those involved and support independent action by African partners. Additionally, the organisation contributes to the integration of international students at German universities.
Mr Kenfack Mouafo will be honoured as ‘Student of the Year 2024’ at the ‘Gala of German Science’ in Berlin on 25 March for his inspiring commitment. The German Student Union (DSW) and the German University Association (DHV) will present him with the award, which is endowed with 5,000 euros. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology congratulates Mr Kenfack Mouafo on his achievement and wishes him all the best for the future!
Information about the association “3 E’s 4 Africa e. V.” can be found here.