
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Schlagwort: ‘Prof. Sauer’

Climate protection through electrical engineering – Professor Dirk Uwe Sauer’s lecture at the Children’s University

June 16th, 2023 | by
Kinder im Hörsaal

Kinder im Hörsaal. ©RWTH Aachen University

Whether drought, floods or forest fires – the consequences of global warming are dramatic for nature and people. The countries of the global south are being hit particularly hard, but the effects are also being felt here. We experienced this at the latest with the devastating floods in July 2021. That is why we urgently need to address the issue of climate change. 

This is also what Dirk Uwe Sauer, Professor of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Systems Technology at RWTH Aachen University, is doing. He has been researching new energy systems for over 30 years and advises politicians on the energy transition.

„We see in all places that climate change is happening – with many negative consequences. And we urgently need a radical change in the way we have supplied ourselves with energy so far.“

This does not only affect us adults, but especially the children and young people of today. They will have to live with the limitations that climate change will bring. “I don’t think we should underestimate what children know and what they are capable of,” says Professor Sauer.

It is not too late to make a difference

In his lecture, the physicist not only explained the dangers of climate change, but also made the necessary changes understandable. He used various materials such as videos, slides and interactive presentations to show the physical basics and the possibilities through timely action: “I also want to spread optimism and show that things can also get better than they currently are. Because if we still grab the wheel in time, then we still have the possibility to avoid worse things.” For this to happen, however, society must overcome its fear of new technologies. The professor said that there is too much talk about the risks instead of seeing the opportunities. “And we simply can’t afford that now either.” A ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court in 2021 has obliged politicians, and thus the population, to act more quickly. The slower progress is made, the more the living conditions of the next generations are restricted. That is why the previous federal government tightened the climate protection targets and the Climate Protection Act. “We have the opportunity to achieve these goals. We have the necessary technologies to supply all eight billion people in the world properly with renewable energy,” Sauer said.

Climate change is an important issue that concerns us all. But what does it actually mean and how can we work against it? Professor Sauer explained this to the children in his lecture at the Children’s University on 16 June 2023. He showed them how the earth is warming up and what consequences this has for nature and people. He also presented solutions on how we can protect the climate with renewable energies and new technologies. For example, with solar cells that generate electricity from sunlight, or with electric cars that emit no exhaust gases. Professor Sauer showed the children not only the problems of climate change, but also the opportunities that arise from it. He showed them that we can not only influence the climate with our energy supply, but also promote biodiversity.

„I would like to show the children that, for example, large photovoltaic systems on open fields not only generate electricity, but also create space for extensive agriculture, for insects that can live and flourish in these areas again.“

Climate change is a major challenge that we can only overcome together. For this, we need an awareness of the connections between energy and the environment that starts with children. Another goal of the Children’s University event was to get the children excited about scientific topics. “Physics has the great advantage that it can illustrate things very vividly and also show connections,” said Sauer. Using simple means, Professor Sauer showed where research starts and what possibilities can arise through technical progress.

Source: Aachener Zeitung, 16 June 2023

100 million euros for battery research

July 22nd, 2020 | by


BMBF funds battery competence cluster under RWTH leadership

As part of the overarching concept “Battery Research Factory”, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding four additional battery competence clusters with a total of 100 million euros.

Professor Dirk Uwe Sauer from the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives (ISEA) coordinates the cluster “Battery Usage Concepts” (Batt Usage), which is funded with around 20 million euros. The aim is to develop a profound understanding of battery conditions and behavior to decide when secondary use of battery storage is possible and for which applications it makes the most sense.

The “Intelligent Battery Cell Production” cluster (InZePro), which is being funded with around 30 million euros, aims to increase and enhance flexibility in the productivity of cell production. This is intended to be achieved through comprehensive optimization of the production system using Industry 4.0 solutions.

The aim of the “greenBatt” recycling/green battery cluster is to close material cycles in the battery business. This cluster is also funded with around 30 million euros.

The “Analytics/Quality Assurance” (AQua) cluster focuses on continuously improving the performance of batteries while at the same time ensuring a long service life and a high level of safety. This cluster will receive funding of around 20 million euros.

The new clusters deal with future topics in battery research, ranging from production and usage concepts to recycling and quality assurance. RWTH Aachen University is involved in three of the four new clusters.

RWTH Pressemitteilungen

National academies support European climate protection with study

July 14th, 2020 | by
The German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, National Academy of Science and Engineering (Acatech) and the Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities have presented a study. ” Energy transition 2030: Europe’s path to carbon neutrality ” aims to provide the German government, in light of its upcoming presidency of the EU Council, with a compact series of recommendations for giving the desired European energy. The ad-hoc statement was prepared by ESYS – Energy Systems of the Future, an initiative of the German Academies of Science. Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Uwe Sauer as a member of the ESYS Board of Directors and Philipp Stöcker contributed to the study.