
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

Call for Papers – Build on Data

February 28th, 2023 | by
Symbol image baureka-online for the community meeting Build on Data


Contributions for the community conference “Auf Daten bauen // Build on Data”, of the DFG project are sought up to and including March 1, 2023. The community conference on “Research Data in Historical Building Research and Historic Preservation” will take place hybrid on May 4 and 5, 2023. Participants have the opportunity to attend the conference at the Technical University in Berlin or to attend online.


Attention Community

Are you active in the field of building research and historic preservation? Then we invite you to actively participate in the conference and submit contributions that deal with the organization and structuring of digital data.

In addition, we are looking for contributions from architectural offices (Bauen im Bestand), contributions from academic research as well as from the preservation of historical monuments.

Based on a concrete example, one of the respective topics should be addressed in the contribution:

A – Collection and processing of digitally native research data.

B – Digitization of existing research data

C – Experiences in dealing with research data management

D – Post-use of research data

E – Data formats and standards: interoperable and fair

Five-minute short presentations will be used to introduce the poster contributions of the respective interested parties.


Learn More

For more information on the community meeting and submission of papers, see the community meeting pages.

Do you have questions about or RDM in general? Then write a message to the IT-ServiceDesk. The RDM team looks forward to hearing from you.


Responsible for the content of this article is Lina-Louise Kaulbach.


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