
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

Schlagwort: ‘coscine’

Series of Articles: Central RDM Services at RWTH

April 4th, 2024 | by
White circle with "Central FDM Services of RWTH Aachen University" and pictograms around it

Source: Own illustration

We are pleased to present to you – as researchers at RWTH Aachen University – our new series of articles in which we have collected all the information on RWTH’s central RDM services for efficient research data management (RDM). These RDM services are managed by RWTH staff and service managers and are available for you to use.

In the coming weeks, you can look forward to a compact article on each service and get comprehensive information.

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RDM Toolbox 2024 – Day 3

March 28th, 2024 | by
RDM Toolbox 2024

Source: Own illustration

The first two days of the FDM workshop have already been reported on the RDM blog. On the third day of the FDM workshop, everything revolved around the FDM tools LiaScript, Datalad and Coscine. A discussion round on the DKZ.2R data competence center was also part of the last day’s program. You can find out more about the details of the individual sessions in this article.

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RDM Toolbox 2024

March 26th, 2024 | by
NRW map with various figures interacting with each other. The occasion is the RDM Workshop 2024

Source: Own illustration

In December last year, we drew your attention to the RDM Toolbox 2024 with a Call for Participation. This took place from March 18 to 20, 2024 in the rooms of the IT Center of RWTH Aachen University in Kopernikusstraße.

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Follow-up Report on Coscine – FAIR Data is my kind of Data!

February 29th, 2024 | by
symbolic image of Love Data Week 2024 with Coscine

Source: Own illustration

The Love Data Week 2024 may be over, but our love for FAIR data remains! Among the many exciting talks that took place during this week was the presentation “Coscine – FAIR Data is my kind of Data!”. In this blog post, we take a look at the aspects presented and the exciting developments that are shaping the future of FAIR data at Coscine.

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Reminder – Your Date With Coscine at the Love Data Week 2024

February 15th, 2024 | by
symbolic image of Love Data Week 2024 with Coscine

Source: Own illustration

Love Data Week 2024 (LDW) is in full swing and is already drawing to a close, but as we all know, the best is saved for last and you definitely should not miss this data flirtation: On Friday, February 16, 2024, the RDM platform Coscine will be presented with its latest developments.

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RDM and Coscine at the “RWTHtransparent”

February 1st, 2024 | by
Introduction by Armin Maiwald to the RWTHtransparent event

Source: Own illustration

Last Friday, January 26, 2024, the Rectorate of RWTH Aachen University hosted the annual “RWTHtransparent” event. Armin Maiwald from the show “Sendung mit der Maus” opened the event, which was aimed at guests from business, politics and civil society as well as RWTH employees, to report on current developments and successes at RWTH in 2023. Following the ceremony and the various award ceremonies, around 600 invited guests had the opportunity to take a closer look at the exhibition on research and teaching at the university and get to know various services.

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Love Data Week 2024 – Our Love of Data Continues!

January 25th, 2024 | by
Desktop with hearts

Source: Freepik

Love Data Week (LDW) is just around the corner and we’re ready to mix a dash of flirtation into your data love! From February 12 to 16, 2024, our #RDMPower will be in the spotlight as we participate in the exciting events of LDW under the motto “My Kind of Data”. Find out which events you shouldn’t miss at RWTH Aachen University in this blog post.

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From Data Inventory to Data Management Plan

January 4th, 2024 | by
Data Management

Source: Freepik

Note: The blog post was written by Katharina M. E. Grünwald and therefore has a personal character. She works as a data steward at the RWTH IT Center. Have fun reading!

You are about to start your doctoral thesis, the topic has been decided and you know when everything will start. But suddenly you hear that you also need to have good research data management (RDM) if you want to comply with modern good scientific practice. Your department has special data formats, you have to complete a data management plan (DMP), RWTH Aachen University offers services such as Coscine and the German Research Foundation (DFG) also has guidelines on what it considers to be good RDM. Quite a mess… and now?

Don’t worry – we got you. In this blog post, you will learn in two easy-to-apply steps how to get an overview of the chaos and understand the structure behind it.

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RDM Highlights 2023

December 28th, 2023 | by
Champagne Glasses & Party

Source: Pixabay

Looking forward to the new year, we look back on an exciting 2023. What topics have fascinated and inspired the RDM community? The year was characterized by numerous interesting developments, and the importance of FDM continues to grow.

The year 2023 marks another milestone on the road to more effective and sustainable data management. We look forward to the coming year with excitement and hope for an equally exciting, informative and groundbreaking time in research data management.

In this blog post, you can find out which changes and events have raised awareness of RDM and generated excitement.


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Follow-up Report: Research Data Day 2023 – Morning Program

November 23rd, 2023 | by
TdF 2023 morning program

Source: Own illustration

All good things come in threes! On November 14, 2023, the Research Data Day in NRW celebrated its third anniversary. Under this year’s motto “Promote and refine data: Bring your data treasure to light”, the state initiative for research data management invited participants to a digital morning program full of fascinating presentations and lively discussions. One thing became clear: Raw data is the precious cornerstone of all research! Careful maintenance, processing and optimization can work wonders. In this way, simple rough diamonds are transformed into impressive treasures. In this follow-up report, you can find out how these rough diamonds are polished in numerous research institutions and which tools are used in the process.

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