
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

Schlagwort: ‘Data Literacy’

Data Literacy and Data Culture Roadmap

January 11th, 2024 | by
Map made from pins

Source: Unsplash

Since its adoption in 2021, the Data Literacy and Data Culture Roadmap has been an important component of the data strategy, the new edition of which we have already reported on in the FDM blog. The roadmap developed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is intended to serve as a guide for a digital awakening in Germany and provide orientation for the responsible use of data. We have summarised the opportunities offered by the roadmap for you in this article.

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Toolbox Data Literacy – Launch of Beta Version

October 5th, 2023 | by
Image & Logo of Toolbox Datenkompetenz - The Data Literacy Platform


In an increasingly digitalized world, the ability to understand and use data is crucial. In order to strengthen this essential competence among the German public at large and thus take a significant step toward actively shaping the digital future, the pioneering research project “Toolbox Data Literacy” (TBDK) was conceived.

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RDM Projects from Germany – Data Literacy in NFDI

October 6th, 2022 | by


National Research Data Infrastructure Germany (NFDI)


Data literacy describes the planned and competent handling of data. It is a key competency for effective Research Data Management (RDM).


“A high level of data literacy is more important than ever against the background of large, heterogeneous data volumes and demanding user programs,”


says NFDI Director Prof Dr York Sure Vetter [1]. For this reason, the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) e.V. association is striving to increase data literacy in science and has launched the Data Literacy in NFDI project for this purpose. As part of our series “RDM Projects from Germany”, we present the new project to you.

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Data.rwth Teaching Competition – Designing Teaching Materials for Data Literacy

February 24th, 2022 | by

Teaching data literacy to students – this is what the team of the data.RWTH data literacy project is working on. In the data.RWTH teaching competition, all RWTH members now have the chance to actively shape the basic data literacy modules by producing teaching videos as well as exercise and examination materials, and at the same time receive an attractive grant of eight times 10,000€. You still have until March 15, 2022 to apply! In this blog post, you will learn the most important facts in brief.

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FDM erklärt – Was ist eigentlich Data Literacy?

June 30th, 2021 | by

This entry is only available in Deutsch.


Data Literacy ist eine Schlüsselkompetenz des 21. Jahrhunderts. Der Begriff ist jedoch recht jungen Ursprungs und noch dabei sich zu verfestigen, weshalb er vermutlich nicht jedem bekannt ist. Mit unserem neuen Beitrag aus der Reihe „FDM erklärt“ wollen wir etwas Licht ins Dunkel bringen, indem wir die wichtigsten Informationen zum Thema zusammenfassen.

Data Literacy als elementarer Skill

Data Literacy bezeichnet die Fähigkeit planvoll und kompetent mit Daten umzugehen und sie im jeweiligen Kontext bewusst einsetzen und hinterfragen zu können. Dafür sind zahlreiche Einzelkompetenzen notwendig. Zu ihnen gehören das Erfassen, Anpassen, Managen, Kuratieren, Analysieren, Visualisieren, Interpretieren, Kontextualisieren, Beurteilen und Anwenden von Daten.

Gerade im Zeitalter der anwachsenden Datenmengen wird Data Literacy zu einer grundlegenden Kompetenz, um in der digitalen Welt in Wissenschaft, Arbeitswelt und Gesellschaft bestehen und teilhaben zu können. Read the rest of this entry »