Schlagwort: ‘Projekt’ – A Milestone for Collaboration in Academia

Source: Coscine
Progressive development in the research sector requires not only change, but also efficient cooperation between universities. In this striving for innovation and transparency, the pioneering project has taken on a crucial role for the 42 educational institutions in the network. In this blog post, you can find out what this project is all about and how the collaboration is supposed to work.
Toolbox Data Literacy – Launch of Beta Version
In an increasingly digitalized world, the ability to understand and use data is crucial. In order to strengthen this essential competence among the German public at large and thus take a significant step toward actively shaping the digital future, the pioneering research project “Toolbox Data Literacy” (TBDK) was conceived.
“FAIRThesis” Receives FCI Funding

Source: Freepik
The teaching project “FAIRThesis” by Prof. Sonja Herres-Pawlis (RWTH Aachen University) and Dr. Nicole Jung (KIT) receives funding from the Chemical Industry Fund (FCI). The project not only ensures a deepening in the field of Research Data Management (RDM) but also enables master and bachelor students to use the electronic laboratory journal Chemotion for research and final theses.
RDM Projects from Germany – Data Literacy in NFDI
Data literacy describes the planned and competent handling of data. It is a key competency for effective Research Data Management (RDM).
“A high level of data literacy is more important than ever against the background of large, heterogeneous data volumes and demanding user programs,”
says NFDI Director Prof Dr York Sure Vetter [1]. For this reason, the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) e.V. association is striving to increase data literacy in science and has launched the Data Literacy in NFDI project for this purpose. As part of our series “RDM Projects from Germany”, we present the new project to you.
RDM Projects in Germany – EVER_RDM

Source: Freepik
The last article in our series on “RDM projects in Germany” (only available in German) was published over a year ago. Perhaps one or two of our readers can still remember it. Now it is time to dust off the series again and revive it, because there is a new project in which Research Data Danagement itself is the subject of investigation. May we introduce? Project EVER_RDM – Development and Dissemination of Research Data Management at Universities of Applied Sciences.
One Year FAIR Data Spaces – What Has Happened so Far?

Source: Unsplash
In May, the “FAIR Data Spaces” project celebrated its first anniversary. The project application was submitted to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) at the beginning of April last year. The funding already started on May 17, 2021. Since then, the FAIR Data Spaces community has been built up and the first milestones have been reached together. In this blog post, we take a look at what has happened in the last year.
BMBF fördert Projekt „FAIR-Data Spaces“ mit 6,3 Millionen Euro!

Quelle: Pixabay
Mit dem Verbundprojekt „FAIR-Data Spaces“ unterstützt das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) den Aufbau eines gemeinsamen cloudbasierten Datenraums für Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft durch die Verknüpfung von GAIA-X und der Nationalen Forschungsdateninfrastruktur (NFDI) mit 6,3 Millionen Euro. Read the rest of this entry »