November 4th, 2022 | by
Ujkani, Arlinda
The findability and reusability of research data are important aspects of research data management and part of the FAIR principles (Findability and Reusability). The sustainable preparation and professional publication of research data offers various possibilities for reuse. Meta-analyses, optimization of own study designs and model calibrations are just a few examples. However, finding suitable data for reuse is increasingly becoming a challenge due to steadily growing data volumes and increasing diversification of data types and storage locations. So, what are the places to go and what are the options for finding data?
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Kategorie: Allgemein, From the practice, Informationen & Beratung
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February 10th, 2022 | by
Kaulbach, Lina-Louise
Research data are the raw material of research work and thus decisive for scientific progress. In order to derive the greatest possible benefit from the data, its accessibility and reusability is essential. They should therefore never be stored on a USB stick and disappear in a private drawer.
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Kategorie: Allgemein, An der RWTH, From the practice, Berichte, Informationen & Beratung, Services
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March 12th, 2020 | by
Lankers, Sascha
Seit 2012 bietet – Registry of Research Data Repositories eine Übersicht über bestehende Forschungsdatenrepositorien. Forschende, Förderungseinrichtungen, Verlage und wissenschaftliche Institutionen haben die Möglichkeit ein disziplinspezifisches und/ oder institutionelles Repositorium aus den über 2460 Repositorien für die Veröffentlichung von Forschungsdaten zu wählen.
Unter dem Namen „re3data – Community Driven Open Reference for Research Data Repositories (COREF)“ startete im Januar nun ein Projekt, dass die Dienste von re3data professionalisiert.
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Kategorie: Informationen & Beratung
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