Schlagwort: ‘Research Data Management’
The Fair Principles: Origin and Meaning
March 14th, 2024 | by Kaulbach, Lina-Louise
In this blog post, we inform you about the origin and meaning of the so-called FAIR principles and place the term in the broader context of modern data management.
Improve Git and Python Programming Skills With NFDI4Cat and NFDI4Chem!
August 10th, 2023 | by Kaulbach, Lina-Louise
Do you want to make progress with your data and draw valuable conclusions from it? Then attend the event “Python Computing 4 Chemists (and others)” from 18 to 20 September 2023 and improve your programming skills in person on-site in Aachen or online.
New Video – How Do I Archive Research Data at RWTH?
May 17th, 2022 | by Kaulbach, Lina-Louise
Are you new to the topic of archiving research data? You think archiving is just a technical question of where to store it? Then we now have something for you: namely a recently published video on the topic of archiving research data, created by the University Library of RWTH Aachen University.