
IT Center Blog

Nice to know: sciebo

August 5th, 2020 | by

In today’s “Nice to know” article we would like to introduce another special service that you can use as a member of the RWTH Aachen University: the cloud service sciebo.

Sciebo – the campus cloud

Sciebo is a free cloud storage service for research, study and teaching. The service enables the automatic synchronization of data on different end devices. You can not only share your data with other users, but also work together on documents. Each user has 30 GB of free storage space available. For research projects, project boxes of up to 2 TB are provided. Employees can even increase the quota of 30 GB to 500 GB on their own.

Welcome to sciebo
Source: Sciebo

Sciebo is operated by the University of Münster. The data is stored and processed exclusively in NRW. The data is not stored on the storage facilities of commercial services abroad, but remains in NRW. The cloud service is thus subject to the German data protection law – one of the strictest in the world.

How do I obtain sciebo access?

Members of the RWTH can get access to sciebo by simply registering online. To register, you must first select your organization, the RWTH Aachen University. Then you will be automatically forwarded to the RWTH Single Sign-On. The registration is done with your usual Single Sign-On data. For the sciebo cloud service a user name will be generated (in the form You can then reset your password. With this user name and your password you can finally log in.

You can find more information about the sciebo service in the IT Center Help Portal. A detailed introduction to the different functions of the Campus Cloud can be found in the Sciebo Help Center.

Responsible for the content of this article are Stéphanie Bauens and Ingo Hengstebeck.


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