
IT Center Blog

More possibilities for tutors – the new role “tutor” in RWTHmoodle!

October 5th, 2020 | by

Set the new role “tutor” easily in the participant administration of the learning room
Source: Own illustration

They compile page after page of literature lists, sore their fingers on correcting assignments and tirelessly answer all (!) questions from students. It is high time to pay tribute to our many tutors at RWTH! They make a huge contribution to ensuring that teaching works during the digital semester. In order for them to be able to make this great effort, however, they first have to get the necessary permissions. We from the RWTHmoodle teaching and learning platform have improved the role “tutor” in the RWTHmoodle course rooms and added more individual settings here.

What is the role tutor?

In RWTHmoodle permissions in the course room are managed by roles. While lecturers have the role “manager”, tutors can use the role “tutor”. With this role, tutors can grade student submissions in the course room. In addition to this, an extended role, “Editing tutor” has existed up to now. Persons with this role could additionally store files in folders.

What is new?

In the winter semester 2020/21 only the role “tutor” is selectable – but this role can be configured with numerous additional permissions by the manager. This means that a lecturer can additionally allow her tutors to upload videos in Opencast, send e-mails via Quickmail, or post announcements in the course room. These and other permissions can now be enabled for each course room individually, allowing you to adapt the course room even more to your teaching concept.

Where and how can I set this?

Managers can adjust the settings in the participant administration of the course room. How to proceed here is explained step by step in our instructions.

Do you still have questions?

Then please contact the IT-ServiceDesk. We are happy to help you!

Responsible for the content of this article is Susanne Kubiak.

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