
IT Center Blog

Can I use Microsoft 365 free of charge as a student? – Yes, you can!

February 1st, 2021 | by

Who doesn’t know them? The stories of grandma and grandpa, how they typed their letters, texts and final papers late into the night by the light of a candle at the typewriter. Every mistake was fatal, because it meant rewriting the page if necessary. Or the tales told by parents of how they had to deal with the first home PCs of the 1990s, with early versions of various Office applications at their disposal.

By 2021, things look different. Candles have been replaced by lamps, computers fit in your pocket, and most software is available to users digitally on the Internet. And errors can now be corrected within seconds.

Source: Pixabay

Writing, communicating and self-management

Whether it’s at university, at work or in our private lives, it’s clear that digitization has taken hold in leaps and bounds and is making everyday life easier for all of us. And that is also the keyword of this article. Today we would like to talk about a very special offer for students, which we have been providing in cooperation with Microsoft since September 23, 2020Microsoft 365 for students. This is a package of applications from the Microsoft 365 range, which students can use voluntarily and free of charge as part of their studies, not only to create various content, but also to manage themselves and communicate with each other.

In addition to the familiar Office for Web applications Word, Excel and PowerPoint, the service also offers the option of using OneNote, OneDrive, SharePoint, Microsoft Teams, Sway, Forms, Flow and PowerApps. These can all be accessed as web-only applications online. In addition, Microsoft Teams is available for download as desktop application.

Microsoft 365 at the RWTH

Source: Pixabay

Microsoft divides various user groups in Microsoft 365 into so-called tenants. These serve as closed areas in which the user groups can work among themselves. External users can be invited to a tenant as guests and work together with the members.

At RWTH, a distinction is made between 2 groups of users – employees and students. Each of these groups has its own tenant. Employees have the M365 tenant and students have the Students tenant. Communication and collaboration between the two groups is also possible at RWTH. This facilitates not only the exchange among students, but also with between lecturers and students.

Registration and consent to use for students

First, the user must agree to the terms of use of RWTH Aachen University and the transfer of personal data to Microsoft. This is all done on a voluntary basis. However, it should be noted that students can only use the service with prior consent. This is done by checking the appropriate box in the selfservice. After a waiting period of 24 hours, login is possible via the RWTH Single Sign-On Account. Separate access data are therefore not necessary.

Support and documentation

Detailed information and instructions on Microsoft 365 for students can be found in our documentation portal IT Center Help. For questions about the service and the registration process, the IT ServiceDesk is available via e-mail ( and telephone (+49 241 80 24687). Answers to the applications and their functions can also be found in the Microsoft documentation and forums.


Responsible for the content of this article is Anastasios Krikas.

4 responses to “Can I use Microsoft 365 free of charge as a student? – Yes, you can!”

  1. Ilja Retzlaw says:

    Installation hat super geklappt. Leider ist die Lizenz nur bis zum 17.Dezember nutzbar. Gibt es eine Verlängerung? Wenn ja, wie läuft das dann ab?

    • Jörres, Linda says:

      Hallo Ilja,
      vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar!
      Melde dich doch bitte einmal bei den Kolleginnen und Kollegen vom IT-ServiceDesk:
      Bitte schicke auch direkt einen Screenshot der Meldung und die Angabe, um welches Programm es genau geht, mit.
      Viele Grüße
      das IT Center Blog Team

  2. Nicole says:

    Beide Daumen hoch! Cooler Beitrag. Danke für die Infos!