Please note that temp-Moodle will no longer be available for exams as of the winter semester 2021/2022. On April 04, 2022 this temporary Moodle instance will be permanently deleted. Information about electronic exams at RWTH Aachen University can be found in IT Center Help. (*)
Next week the time has come: From 12th April 2021 RWTHmoodle will only be available for lectures. Take Home Exams will be conducted exclusively on the additional temporary Moodle instance (temp-Moodle). Our goal is to ensure a smooth teaching operation of the summer semester 2021 as well as the outstanding examination operation of the winter semester 2020/21. Since 6th April 2021, the temp-Moodle platform is now available to you.

Welcome to temp-Moodle!
Source: Own illustration
New platform, familiar design
Even though temp-Moodle is a new temporary Moodle instance, the design and the usability remain the same. For example, you can log in as usual via RWTH Single Sign-On and access your exam rooms via the dashboard. Only in the case of the functionalities, we have limited them to those that are relevant for the implementation of the Take Home Exams.
Exam rooms instead of course rooms
We have set up exam rooms for all outstanding exams of the winter semester 2020/21. These exam rooms are only available until 30.09.2021 and will be deleted afterwards. As managers we have booked the examiners registered in RWTHonline and the persons with the RWTHonline function “PV Teilnehmerverwaltung” at the organizational unit to which the exam is assigned. If additional managers are needed for the exam room, they can be added by the managers already booked.
Please note that students who are registered for the exams are not automatically booked into the exam rooms. They have to be actively added to the exam rooms by the managers via a CSV export from RWTHonline.
Tips & Tricks
In order to avoid disturbances, overloads and failures, we recommend
- not to store the link to temp-Moodle and other access information for the exam (such as a zoom link) in the RWTHmoodle course room,
- to offer students alternative submission options via Gigamove or e-mail before the exam, and
- provide a contact email address and a phone number via the exam room so that students can contact the exam proctor in case of an emergency.
Further information can be found in the instructions for the remote examinations from the Center for Teaching and Learning Services (CLS) of RWTH Aachen University. All instructions on how to use temp-Moodle can be found on IT Center Help.
If you have any questions or need support, please do not hesitate to contact the IT-ServiceDesk.
We wish you good luck with the exams of the winter semester 2020/21 and a good start into the lecture period of the summer semester 2021!
Responsible for the content of this article are Anastasios Krikas and Nicole Kaminski.