
IT Center Blog

Exchanged! 5 tips to stay in touch in the home office

August 9th, 2021 | by

Essential even in HomeOffice – The cohesion in the team!
Source: Pixabay

In the meantime, all of us miss the personal togetherness on site in our professional lives. Whether it is simply working together with colleagues in the same room, lunch breaks together or a quick conversation with superiors. It is no longer a secret that there is not enough interaction in the home office. So that it doesn’t stay that way, we want to give you some suggestions for more efficient and effective communication in the home office!

According to the results of an online survey by the Hans Böckler Foundation on the home office, more than three quarters of all respondents miss the face-to-face interaction. The reason for this can be the lack of communication or the wrong communication. While in the office setting, conversations are ad hoc and spontaneous, in the home office the initiative has to be taken. The exchange is usually planned. This can be a real challenge in the long run.

It’s time to make the home office a little more personal and encourage informal communication so that we look forward to spending virtual time together with our colleagues and superiors!

How can this be implemented now? How does the meeting place at the coffee machine get on the internet?

  1. establish fixed processes in the company and in the team for communication.

The fact that virtual communication is different must also be discussed. Together, dos and don’ts can be negotiated or prescribed by superiors. Which digital tools should be used, which not? What forms of etiquette and politeness should be observed? How often should one check in, when is it too much? The most important thing is that the guidelines are made transparent for everyone and also actively communicated to everyone! Here, too, supervisors should take the leading role.

  1. daily meetings

A daily routine meeting of 15-30 minutes for sharing or brainstorming about the current tasks helps to stay up to date and also to discuss challenges and complicated tasks together without further ado. It also promotes a feedback culture, which is essential for more productive work. However, if no one has anything to contribute, the meeting should not be unnecessarily prolonged, as the feeling of unproductivity could otherwise continue throughout the day.

  1. common breaks

A daily set time of 15-30 minutes for a virtual coffee break in the morning or at noon promotes exchange immensely. In order to not only remain on a formal level during this time, thematic topics can be determined in advance. In this way, everyone can talk about their favourite book, pet, plant, etc. and get to know each other better. Another idea would be to move a little together, e.g. with the videos of the university sports! If too many colleagues participate spontaneously, random break-out sessions can help.

  1. virtual excursions

Numerous virtual excursion destinations can be planned monthly, for example on a Friday lunchtime. An online escape game or an online quiz, a joint online concert or a new cinema film, learning a magic trick together or playing a few mini-games. Everyone is certainly up for a bit of FUN and it is worth it because it promotes cohesion and personal exchange!

      5. Digital Netiquette

For many it is self-evident, others need to be reminded again and again: Background noise is disturbing, light should not be directed at the webcam, actively listening and concentrating on colleagues and not writing emails or eating on the side are rules that need to be established and reminded of every now and then. In this way, trust can be built up and a more positive atmosphere can be created during meetings. Often these virtual little things can hinder or encourage.

Do you have any other tips and tricks or experiences on how to strengthen togetherness in the home office? Feel free to write them in the comments!

We are curious!


Responsible for the content of this article are Dunja Gath and Vanessa Halle.

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