Hip hip hurray! The time has come: RWTHjupyter will become an official service of the IT Center starting with the winter semester 2021/2022!
How this came about and what this means for you, you can read here.
What happened so far…
The RWTH JupyterHub was designed in 2019 in a first step in a cooperation between the Institute for Automation of Complex Power Systems (ACS) of the eon.erc and the IT Center for the application area teaching at RWTH. In April 2020, the test operation of the JupyterHub cluster started with a small group of selected users from RWTH until it went into pilot operation in February 2021. This has now been successfully completed and decided: RWTHjuypter will go into regular operation and thus become a permanent service of the IT Center!
What does this mean for you?
You can look forward to the continuation of the offer! This means that RWTHjupyter will be available to you continuously, just like all other services such as RWTHmoodle.
In general, all members of RWTH Aachen University are entitled to use RWTHjupyter. You do not need a new account, but can simply log in with your user name via RWTH Single Sign-On.
In the course of the regular operation, the website of RWTHjupyter now also shines in the RWTH design:
What else you can look forward to
It is planned to provide access for RWTH-external users from the DFN-network – i.e.: other universities should be able to use the service RWTHjupyter as well. Similar to what is already the case with GigaMove.
For the time being, however, the range of functions will remain the same as in the previous pilot operation. At a later point in time, it will be examined which additional features can be integrated.
RWTHjuypter Documentation and Help
Instructions and application documentation are now also available on IT Center Help.
If something doesn’t work out, the IT-ServiceDesk is there for you by phone, chat or email.
You want to read more about RWTHjupyter? No problem! Under the following link you will find all previous blog posts about RWTHjuypter:
Have you tried RWTHjupyter yet? What do you like best? Write us in the comments!
Responsible for the content of this article are Linda Jörres and Dörte Rosendahl.