
IT Center Blog

Green Surfing on the World Wide Web

December 5th, 2022 | by
Hand holding symbolic green World Wide Web globe

Source: Freepik

Google is probably the most popular search engine in the world.

Since 2004, the verb “to google” has even been in the German Duden dictionary. This is of course because Google is the big player in the search engine business. In 2022, Google became one of the most valuable companies in the world with a brand value of around 819.6 billion US dollars (source:

But there are green alternatives that we can set up as our default search engine – after all, every query consumes electricity and increases our CO₂ footprint.


What Can Each Individual Do?

We can all make a difference by using a greener search engine to get information on our computer, tablet or smartphone every time we search the web. For example, you can go to and to get information and surf directly. There are no additional costs.


Two That Want to Change Something.

The search engine Ecosia  uses its profits for climate protection. When you use Ecosia for your web search, the search ads generate revenue for Ecosia. The search engine uses this revenue to plant trees. Ecosia currently plants a tree every 1.3 seconds.

Panda Search – this is the name of the WWF’s green search engine alternative. 50% of the revenue generated by web searches goes to the campaigns of the animal protection organisation and 50% to the operation of the search engine.

Maybe “ecosieren” or “panda-searchen” will make it into the dictionary in the future too!


What’s the Point

Both search engines are climate-neutral or even climate-positive. Ecosia has already planted more than 150 million trees! You can find more information on the respective websites.

What are your tips on how we can contribute to climate protection together by improving our ecological footprint in everyday work?

Responsible for the content of this article is Morgane Overath

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