
IT Center Blog

New Design: IdM Role Administration

April 24th, 2023 | by
Letter Board "Time for Change"

Source: Pixabay

Finally, the time has come: The IdM Role and Group Management will shine in a new modern look from May 3, 2023, which you already know from the IdM HomePage, the IdM PasswordReset and the IdM Selfservice.

The usability has been considered and optimized as well. The range of functions remains the same for the time being.

IdM Role and Group Administration of the RWTH Aachen University

The IdM Role and Group Administration enables the organizational units of the RWTH Aachen University to independently regulate responsibilities for online services. Examples of this are the execution of orders in the IT procurement portal of RWTH Aachen University or the activation for the business travel portal.

New Design

To announce the new design and so that you are not surprised or even doubt the authenticity of the site, we have a few impressions of the IdM Role and Group Management for you! On the screenshots you can see how the new page looks like after the redesign compared to the current design:

Screenshot of the IdM Role and Group Management view in the old design

The old design of the IdM Role and Group Administration
Source: Own illustration


Screenshot of the IdM Role and Group Management view in the new design

The new design of the IdM Role and Group Administration
Source: Own illustration



IdM ConnectMe will also receive a redesign in the near future as the last IdM application. This is the application with which users can register in Identity Management (IdM) and establish connections to other data source systems.

Afterwards, all IdM applications will be reviewed and compared with each other to identify further potential for improving the usability of the applications.


We are looking forward to your feedback on the new design – feel free to write it in the comments below this post.


Responsible for the content of this article are Thorsten Kurth und Nicole Kaminski.

2 responses to “New Design: IdM Role Administration”

  1. Sina Schwendemann says:

    Hallo zusammen,
    wird es irgendwann möglich sein, mehrere Rollen gleichzeitig zu vergeben?
    Das würde uns ab und an viel “Klickerei” sparen.

    Das neue Design sieht gut aus!


    • Vreydal, Janin says:

      Hallo Sina,

      wir freuen uns über dein positives Feedback.

      Dein Wunsch ist schon in Planung! Jedoch können wir leider keine zeitliche Einschätzung geben und bitten um etwas Geduld.

      Liebe Grüße
      das IT Center Blog Team