
IT Center Blog

“Help, I’ve deleted the internet!”

July 3rd, 2024 | by
Internet Icon

Source: Freepik

Do you know any such experts who have deleted the Internet from their PC? How did they come to think that in the first place? It often happened by mistake that you deleted the icon of the browser you were using (often Internet Explorer in the past) – and thus the usual way of opening “the Internet”. But is it even possible to delete the internet? In this blog post, we want to get to the bottom of this myth.



Deleting the Internet – Is That Even Possible?

Let’s take a brief look at the way the internet works.

The word “internet” is derived from the term “interconnected networks”. It is therefore a network of different computers. The computers exchange data with each other – and this is precisely what enables us to use the internet today in the way we do: sending emails, downloading files, watching videos and surfing websites.

To delete “the internet”, you would therefore have to cut the connections between all the computers. With an estimated 100 billion devices on the planet, that would be quite a feat.

We summarize:
“By mistake” and “just like that”, it is highly unlikely that you would delete the Internet. It takes a fair amount of IT knowledge and criminal energy.


Internet At the RWTH

At the RWTH there is of course also Internet for learning, teaching, researching and working. The network for the RWTH is technically operated by the IT Center. There is a main distribution network as well as external connections and feeder lines to building and institute networks via various media. Local networks of individual university facilities are connected to defined transfer points.

The IT Center is not only responsible for the operation but also the planning and implementation of the data network. It is also responsible for adapting the data network to the current state of the art. The latter is achieved, for example, by the network renewal.

Usage is regulated by the network regulations (Netzordnung). Information and instructions on the use of WLANeduroam in particular -, VPN and co can be found on IT Center Help.

Do you have further questions? Our colleagues at the IT-ServiceDesk will be happy to help you.


Responsible for the content of this article is Linda Stroh.


The following sources served as the basis for this article:
[1] Praxistipps
[3] Netzordung der RWTH Aachen

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