
IT Center Blog

International Exchange @ Politecnico di Milano

June 10th, 2022 | by
Our colleague Martin Pieters at the Politecnico di Milano

Martin Pieters at the Politecnico di Milano
Source: Own illustration

“If someone goes on a journey, he can tell a story” – at least that’s how the poet Matthias Claudius wrote it back then.

Our colleague Martin Pieters can certainly confirm this today. He was recently allowed to take part in a business trip to Milan as part of a further training programme. There, the participants were able to exchange ideas with colleagues from the University Politecnico di Milano.

He wrote down for us exactly what he experienced there.

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Before the Audit is After the Audit

June 8th, 2022 | by
Graphic representation of a desk

Source: Pixabay

In many fields, audits are part of everyday work. As soon as management systems are to be implemented, further developed or certified, one is inevitably confronted with this term. We previously reported on our last audit and our associated (re-)certification here at the blog as well. But what are audits exactly, why do they exist and how are they carried out? In our article, we will explain in detail what they are all about. Read the rest of this entry »

The IT Center Picture Puzzle: Computational Science & Engineering (CSE) Department

June 3rd, 2022 | by
Interview with CSE Department

Source: Own Illustration

#MeetMeWednesday: Our series “The IT Center Picture Puzzle” went into the third round and we were again looking for a word on our social media channels that stands for a department of the IT Center.

We were looking for five letters and the word “Lehre” (teaching) – did you guess it? In this blog post, we present not only the solution word, but also the corresponding interview with the Computational Science & Engineering (CSE) department. In this interview, you will learn more about the fields of activity and gain exciting insights into the diverse department of the IT Center.

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Making Video Conferences More Efficient – Tips for Better Online Meetings 2/4

June 1st, 2022 | by
Online video conference illustrated on laptop with 12 participants


An online meeting wants to be well prepared. To help you organize better meetings, we’ll give you a few tips in this post.

Due to the ongoing Corona pandemic, many meetings continue to take place online. Even after the pandemic, it is likely that online meetings will continue to be implemented as they offer many benefits.

In our last article in this series “Making Video Conferences more efficient – Tools for Online Meetings”, we already introduced you to the right tools. Read the rest of this entry »

#letstalkaboutIT – What Topics are you most Interested in?

May 30th, 2022 | by

Source: Pixabay

With our postings, we would like to achieve exactly one thing:

To inform you about the latest information about the services of the IT Center and to share valuable tips and tricks with you.

But what are you most interested in?

Let us know!

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IT Center Satisfaction Survey 2021 – The Results are in!

May 27th, 2022 | by
Feedback, hands and 4 emojis

Source: Freepik

In October and November 2021, we conducted our annual IT Center Satisfaction Survey, in which all members of the RWTH Aachen University were able to rate the services and support offered by the IT Center.

In the survey, we also asked for your suggestions for improvements and – due to the special situation – asked questions about the IT Center’s handling of the Corona situation.

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4 Years of Network Renewal
A Look Back From a Coordinator’s Point of View

May 25th, 2022 | by
A big switch with many colorful network cables

Switch after network renewal
Source: Own Illustration

Was it really four years ago that our boss announced with beaming eyes that the application for network renewal had been approved?
Expanding the data network and WLAN, and switching to a new telephone system – in all RWTH buildings. It sounded too fantastic…and yet it came true.

Over the next few days, we stood together again and again in small groups and thought about how we could manage such a huge project. And shortly after that, I was sitting in meetings with the coordinator’s cap on my head, because all of our processes and procedures had to be discussed and adjusted. A huge jolt went through the entire department “Networks”, because everyone wanted to take on this challenge and try to get involved so that we could accomplish this enormous task.


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ACI Conference at IT Center

May 23rd, 2022 | by

The ACI event on May 18, 2022 as the first face-to-face event in 2 years at the IT Center!
Source: Own illustration

Under the motto “SDN made in Aachen – ACI Datacenter”, the event management team of the IT Center and the Networks Department organized a workshop for data center operators in the university environment together with Cisco Systems GmbH and NTT Germany AG & Co. KG organized a workshop for data center operators in the university environment.


The focus of this workshop was the exchange of information about ACI, SDN and the current projects around the topic of data centers at RWTH Aachen University, but also the personal exchange and networking played a major role.

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New Annual Report of IT Center online

May 20th, 2022 | by
Cover sheet of the Annual Report 2020 2021

Source: Own illustration

+++ Please note: The annual report is only available in German! +++

Tatatataaaa: The time has come! The fourth edition of the IT Center Annual Report is online! This time it’s all about the events of 2020 and 2021, because the IT Center’s annual report always covers two years at once.

What you will find in it? Many insights into the activities and events at the IT Center.

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Renewed Certification of the Service & Communication Division

May 18th, 2022 | by
Lettering "quality wins"

Source: Pixabay

The IT Center wants to offer you the best possible support in all IT situations. The Service & Communication division, which provides 1st-level support, among other things, undergoes regular external audits to ensure that this is the case.

What happens? Read for yourself!


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