Schlagwort: ‘Browser’
Which Browser Is the Most Secure?
Source: Safer Internet Day
To mark Safer Internet Day, we want to raise awareness of online safety and help you to better protect your digital environment. In an increasingly digitalized world where online security is becoming more and more important, choosing the right browser is a crucial step in protecting yourself from cybercrime and unwanted access. But which browser is the most secure? In this article, we have done some research and provide you with an overview of the most popular browsers and their security features. You can also read our previous article to find out more about internet security.
Tips & Tricks: The Bookmark Manager
![Illustration of search bar](
Source: Freepik
No matter if we are at university, at work or in private, we are on the internet a lot using the browser. Over time, we accumulate a number of websites that we want to access from time to time.
And to avoid having to search for the pages from scratch every time, there is a practical tool: Bookmarks.
We all know them, but do we use them effectively?
How Do Browsers Work?
Today we’ll take you on a journey that starts with your request in the browser and ends with the final rendering of the web page.
What is actually happening in the background when you open a web page? How do browsers work? What is a DNS and what does a port have to do with it?
How can I recognize trustworthy websites?
Source: Pixabay
Surfing the Internet is part of our everyday lives. Both in our private lives and at work, we are using the World Wide Web. We visit websites to inform ourselves, to communicate and even to shop. In the process, data from your own device will automatically be transferred to the website you are visiting and vice versa. When surfing, you should therefore critically inspect every website you visit. Just like in the real world, there are safe places on the Internet and places that you should avoid for your own safety. Nevertheless, how can you judge a website correctly and how can you distinguish between a trustworthy and an untrustworthy website? The following criteria should help you! Read the rest of this entry »
Sicher surfen dank des richtigen Browsers
Wer im Internet unterwegs ist, kann bereits bei der Wahl seines Browsers einiges falsch machen. Obwohl die Hersteller von Browser stets versuchen ihre Programme so sicher wie möglich zu entwickeln, können sich immer Sicherheitslücken enthalten. Diese Sicherheitslücken im Browser können besonders problematisch sein, da Daten in der Regel auch aus nicht vertrauenswürdigen Quellen bei Nutzung eines Web-Browsers geladen werden können. Diese Daten können ebenfalls sogenannte Schadsoftware (wie zum Beispiel Viren, Trojaner usw.) enthalten. Es gibt jedoch Möglichkeiten diese Gefahren aus dem Weg zu gehen und die Auswahl eines sicheren Webbrowsers ist hierbei von großer Bedeutung.
Quelle: Pixabay