Schlagwort: ‘Design’
The New IT Center Key Visual
The IT Center has a new key visual. The key visual, which we developed for marketing purposes, will be seen in many places in the future, in addition to the IT Center logo.
Whether on merchandise, the web or on print products – the key visual is versatile. In addition to the common logo, the key visual allows a clear identification of the IT Center in the RWTH Aachen University logo system.
New Look in the TK-Portal
With the change to the new Cisco telephone system as part of the network upgrade, a shift is taking place. In the old Alcatel Lucent telephone system, call numbers were tied to telephones. In the new Cisco telephone system, on the other hand, telephone numbers are assigned to persons. This provides users with additional options for organizing their communications independently and flexibly. Read the rest of this entry »