
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘Email’

Security in E-mail Traffic 3: LDAP Address Book

September 11th, 2024 | by
Isometric hacking password stealing icon with 3d computer key and warning notification vector illustration

Source: Freepik

The LDAP address book (LDAP = Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a type of database or directory that an email application queries via a predefined path (server name, port, branch/search base) in order to find out the user certificate of an email address, for example. If such an LDAP address book is integrated into your own email application, encrypted emails can be sent directly, for example, provided the recipients have published their user certificate in the LDAP address book. Not every e-mail has to be sent encrypted, but you can select this option if you wish and after successful setup. Read more about the encryption of emails in part 2 of the blog series.


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Security in E-mail Traffic 2: Encryption

September 4th, 2024 | by
Vector graphic with computer and lock and mail icons

Source: Freepik

It regularly happens that personal data or other sensitive information such as temporary passwords, application documents etc. need to be transmitted quickly. The choice often falls on the exchange by e-mail. However, this data must be protected against unauthorized access by third parties. In order to still be able to use e-mail, the e-mails must be encrypted. We will show you how this works in the following blog post, along with other relevant information on the subject. Go back to the first blog post in our series to read more about digital signatures.

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Security in E-mail Traffic 1: Digital Signing

August 28th, 2024 | by
Vector graphic with user, certificate, and seal symbol

Source: Freepik

Did you know that in June 2024, more than 80% of all incoming emails at RWTH Aachen University were identified as suspicious by the email security defense systems? [1] You may now be thinking of terms such as phishing emails or spam emails.

At some point, every recipient of an email asks themselves the question: How do I know whether the sender address is trustworthy and genuine? On the other hand, every sender asks themselves at some point: How do I know whether my email has demonstrably reached the recipient unchanged? One answer to this is: Always sign emails digitally! We would like to take a closer look at this process with you in the following blog post.

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The RWTH email address – your faithful companion to stay up to date

August 6th, 2021 | by
Illustration Computer mit Email

Source: Pixabay

To avoid chaos, in this article we summarize what the RWTH email address is and what else you need to keep in mind around it. Read the rest of this entry »