Schlagwort: ‘FDM’
RDM Blog – We are now bilingual

Source: Freepik

Source: Pexels
Almost 12,000 people from more than 125 countries currently study, research, teach and work at RWTH Aachen University. This living internationality at RWTH Aachen University is accompanied by strategies, measures and services to promote the internationality of studies, teaching and research. RWTH Aachen sees itself as a member of a global scientific community. For this reason, we are now proud to announce that our RDM Blog can now also be read in English.
Eight NFDI consortia with RWTH participation are funded by the DFG!

Source: Pixabay
We celebrate the approval of funding for eight consortia with RWTH participation!
As recently announced by the Joint Science Conference (GWK), a total of ten consortia will be funded. Eight of them have RWTH participation. The funding decision was science-led by the GWK.
FAIR Data Spaces – Establishing a shared cloud-based data space for business and science

Source: Pixabay
Together with the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) e.V., Atos Information Technology GmbH and with various NFDI consortia, the cloud-based data space “FAIR Data Space” for business and science is being created and built.
Coscine – The new integration platform for research data

Source: Own illustration
Coscine is a platform of the IT Center that supports researchers in working with their research data. Coscine stands for Collaborative Scientific Integration Environment. The pilot phase with the first users has started and will be used for user-oriented further development of the platform.
We are very pleased to be able to briefly introduce the platform to you. Have fun reading! Read the rest of this entry »