Schlagwort: ‘Service-Einschränkungen’
Ticket Tool Info – Part 3: Upcoming Upgrade
In the first article of the Ticket Tool-Info series, we introduced you to the ticket tool and its functions. The second article was about the ticket portal and its advantages. In this third and final part of our Ticket Tool-Info series, we would like to tell you about the upcoming upgrade, which will take place from 12 September to 13 September 2023. We’ll also let you know about the service restrictions that will come with it.
Ticket Tool Info – Part 1: The Ticket Tool and Its Functions
In this article we will familiarise you with the functions and background of our ticket tool. We will also tell you about the big upcoming upgrade of our ticket tool in the period from September 12 to 13, 2023 and the associated service restrictions. But don’t panic: We will remain loyal to you during this period and will be available despite the restrictions during the upgrade. Read the rest of this entry »