Schlagwort: ‘VPN’
A Confidential Connection – VPN at the RWTH Aachen University
Many will already know the three big letters – V P N. This is the abbreviation for “Virtual Private Network”.
Using various available protocols, an encrypted connection, a so-called “tunnel”, is established between your computer and the VPN server. All data traffic into the RWTH network – or, depending on the operating mode, all traffic – passes through this encrypted tunnel. Only from the VPN server onwards does the data begin its conventional unencrypted path into the network. Logically, the user’s computer has moved to a subnet of the RWTH Aachen University: In the “Full Tunnel” he now appears to third parties with an IP address of RWTH Aachen University.

Secure access to the RWTH network via VPN – we explain how it works.
Source: Unsplash