
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Kategorie: ‘Social Media’

RWTH Aachen MATLAB Day 2024

May 17th, 2024 | by
Inside of a robot hand opening upwards underneath round institute logos arranged in a spiral.

© MathWorks

It’s MATLAB DAY 2024 at RWTH Aachen University! All students, teachers and researchers in the city are cordially invited!

Register here and get to know exciting topics and application areas. The lectures will be followed by a MATLAB Master Class on model-based development and virtual commissioning in plant and mechanical engineering. Participants will receive a certificate.

Coffee, snacks and goodies will be available in the Ford Hall.

Program items in the event schedule© MathWorks

You Never Walk Alone – How do I find a Study Group?

February 10th, 2021 | by

Image: Martin Braun

Most study groups are formed somewhat by chance: you probably sat next to each other in a lecture, chatted over coffee between lectures and exercises, or were in the same first-year tutorial. In the current situation, these opportunities no longer occur.

If you can now turn to a study group or fellow students from the last semesters, you are lucky. Start networking! Ask your fellow students if they are interested in forming a study group, working out a plan together on how to get through the exam phase separately but still together.

If you don’t have a study group yet, why not reach out in Zoom in one of your small group exercises (KGÜs) if someone would like to join up with you. Maybe someone from your first-year tutorial is interested? What other ways do you know of for finding a study group in times of Social Distancing?

Written by: Iris Heisterklaus

Beat the Corona Winter Blues – When it’s more serious

January 30th, 2021 | by

The current situation is challenging for many of us. And it’s not uncommon for us to just feel sad sometimes. But are you just sometimes a little down or occasionally sad? Or are you already suffering from depression and need professional help?

A test can give you a first clue.
Of course, it is no substitute for talking to an expert. Your family doctor can be your first point of contact. He or she can also check whether there are organic reasons for your depression as this is also possible. He or she may refer you to a specialist in psychotherapy/psychiatry/nerval medicine or a psychotherapist and explain to you how to find one.

You can also find help at the RWTH. At the ZPG (Centre for Mental Health of Students) at the University Hospital Aachen, you can find professional contacts – including doctors – if you suspect that you are no longer completely healthy psychologically. For example, mood swings, anxiety, compulsions, changes in perception, sleep disorders, addiction problems. You don’t even need your health insurance card – just your student ID.

The psychologists at the Psychological Counselling Service of the Central Student Counselling Office (ZSB) at RWTH Aachen University will help you in individual consultations if you feel psychologically stressed. For example, mood swings, stress symptoms, exam nerves and other fears, personal crises, personal conflict situations or problems with your ability to work and learn.

The student congregations (ESG and KHG) are also available for pastoral care and discussions. You do not have to be religious or belong to a Christian religion to contact them. If you need to speak to someone urgently and immediately: the Telephone Counselling Service is available 24 hours a day: 0800 1110111. And on two evenings a week, there is the Nightline Aachen, the listening phone from students for students 0241-56520343.

Other contact points:

Counselling guide of the RWTH Aachen

German Depression League

Written by: Christine Sander

⚡ 5 Minutes About… Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christoph Jungemann

January 27th, 2021 | by

The Dean of Studies and Head of the Institute for Theoretical Electrical Engineering talks about his career, current projects, students and what the exam he himself once failed has to do with a nun.

English subtitles will be available soon.

Beat the Corona Winter Blues – Meditation

January 25th, 2021 | by

Meditation can be a beneficial practice in your everyday life.
The idea of meditation may seem strange to us hyperactive high-performance people at first: what’s the point of sitting quietly in a corner, breathing and thinking about something, or nothing at all?
Yes – it needs some guidance and the willingness to do it.
In commonly used app stores, you can download meditation apps that guide you and provide you with good thoughts. Some have free trial offers. Meditating teaches you to be with yourself. It teaches you to feel yourself. You learn a lot about dealing with feelings and thoughts. And as with sports, it is important to do it regularly. But even 10-12 minutes a day can do a lot for you. You can also check the websites of your health insurance company for corresponding offers.

For further reading:

Meditation helps with depression

Wie Meditation heilt

Meditation und Achtsamkeit

Written by: Christine Sander

Small breaks in the study phase

January 22nd, 2021 | by

Study phase – suddenly, the days of the week are blurry because you’re just studying every day. When the exams are still some way ahead, you can enjoy the weekends but, at the latest, when there’s only one week left until the exam and the material still remains like a huge mountain in front of you, you also start studying on the weekends. At some point, however, you realize that a break from learning every now and then would do you good. But how can you enjoy the break when there is still so much to study?

Breaks are important to give your mind a rest, to move your body, and to let the knowledge sink in. If you don’t have time for a whole weekend because you’re too busy studying, there are still opportunities to take breaks. Weekend light, so to say.

The organization can vary:

Deliberately set days on which you study a little less and take a longer break. Review the material of the last days in the morning and then go hiking in the Aachen forest. Do you already know the hiking map “Aachener Knotenpunkte”? Or get on your bike and explore the city. Later in the evening, you can review your material shortly, with lots of fresh air in your head and movement in your legs.
It’s Sunday and all you’ve done is study again? Choose a typical Sunday activity for the next one: A nice Sunday breakfast, a Sunday walk, cook yourself a nice Sunday roast or invite your parents over for Sunday dinner. At the moment, some of this probably has to take place digitally, but at least you save some travel time. If you do have to go somewhere: take some study material with you and repeat it on the way. That way, you kill two birds with one stone.
Arrange to play board games. This can also be done digitally and in a completely corona-compliant manner in the board game world. Or arrange to play games digitally, if that’s more your thing. You will get away from the daily hassles and hopefully, you can continue learning afterward in a good mood.
You still have too much to learn to take half a day off? Then create little escapes to clear your mind: Make some tea, sit by the window, and look outside for five minutes. What do you see? Maybe you’ll try meditation or see if a little exercise will do you good. At RWTH, the university sports department currently also offers a digital program, live and on-demand.

And if you need help planning your study phase, the faculty mentoring team is here to help! Just get in touch at We have time for you!


Pausenexpress beim adh (allgemeiner Hochschulsportverband)


Written by: Iris Heisterklaus


Beat the Corona Winter Blues – Movement

January 19th, 2021 | by

Frau auf Fahrrad rechts und Bäume im Winter links

Adieu Tristesse! Run away from your lack of willpower or beat the winter blues on the (yoga) mat!
Sport has been proven to have a positive effect on mild to moderate depression. It’s not important what kind of sport, it is only important that you do sport regularly and that your sport feels good to you. Some people like running or cycling, others love ball sports or yoga. Start with small steps and if you need suggestions and guidance, take a look at the University Sports Centre (HSZ) or the German University Sports Association – there are currently many online offers to adapt to the situation. There are also on-demand programs that you can use at any time.


Allgemeiner deutscher Hochschulverband

Digital Workouts – Angebote des Hochschulsport

Die Bedeutung von Sport in der Therapie

Sport & Depression – Auswirkungen, Effekte und Therapieformen

Written by: Christine Sander

Beat the Corona Winter Blues – Food

January 13th, 2021 | by

Food and drinks…keep body and soul in harmony! When winter really gets to you, eating well is comforting – for many reasons.
Sometimes it’s the ingredients that make us feel good and brighten our mood. Sometimes your favorite dishes delight your senses.
Warm soups belong to the superstars of wellbeing: Whether it’s the well-known chicken soup, the bright orange pumpkin soup, roommate classics like chili con carne, or grandma’s hearty lentil soup. They simply make us feel better. Traditional Chinese medicine reveals why: with ingredients like ginger, chili, cilantro, cinnamon, carrots, and beans they warm and nourish us.

Pasta with a nice sauce (preferably with tomatoes) are also sources of happiness. It’s probably parts of the stone age that is still in our bones when we feel like eating food rich in carbohydrates (we needed to be full, after all!). But again, it’s the mix of ingredients that makes pasta with a nice sauce (preferably with tomatoes) a happiness and satisfaction maker.

The carbohydrates in pasta also have a low glycemic index, which is great for brain performance. Trail mix is considered a classic: nuts and dried fruit contain tryptophan, the precursor of the happiness hormone serotonin. And it contains magnesium – which strengthens the nerves. One of the more recent discoveries in the western hemisphere is Curcuma, which has conquered the hearts of many foodies when stirred into milk foam as “Curcuma latte” or “golden milk”. The curcumin it contains has been shown to have positive effects on mood, concentration, and memory.

Another star is ginger with its active ingredient gingerol: The list of positive effects is remarkably long. Among other things, ginger provides an energy boost and prevents colds: You can simply grate a piece of fresh ginger into your orange juice and enjoy it as a ginger shot. Or you can boil two or three pieces of ginger in hot water for a few minutes for a warming ginger tea.

Which food makes you happy?

Food that makes you happy 1/2

Food that makes you happy 2/2

Pasta makes you happy when it is firm to the bite

The power of mood food

Turmeric strengthens the memory and lifts the mood

Ginger replaces many medicines

Written by: Christine Sander

⚡ 5 Minutes About… Dr.-Ing. Kerstin Jenkes

January 8th, 2021 | by

Our colleague in the Dean’s Office of the Faculty works in the area of internationalization and talks about the possibilities of orienting your studies internationally. In the interview, she talks about advantages, assessments and advice on studying abroad.

⚡ 5 Minutes About… Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dorit Merhof

January 8th, 2021 | by

The Head of the Chair Institute of Imaging & Computer Vision talks about the relevance of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology in various fields, the commitment of the students and gives you one or two learning tips along the way.