
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

Research Data Management at RWTH – Get the Overview!

February 9th, 2023 | by
RDM Trainings

Source: Own illustration

A quick and up-to-date introduction can be found with our RWTHmoodle course “Research Data Management – An Overview (RDM I – online)”!

This course is regularly updated and adapted to the dynamic development of research data management (RDM) and the RWTH infrastructure. Since the beginning of the year, you can use the updated version of the established self-study course.

Get Started Anytime With RDM I – Online

You can get a first introduction to RDM with our e-learning RWTHmoodle course “Research Data Management – An Overview (RDM I – online)”. Based on the life cycle of research data, the course gives you a brief introduction to the concepts of RDM and an overview of the services and infrastructure offered by RWTH Aachen University. The topics covered here form the basis for all further RDM II workshops.

The pure processing time is about four hours. However, you can navigate through the material mix of videos, quiz elements, information pages and further links completely independently of time and place and at your own pace, using the course to accompany the development of your personal RDM strategy.

This online basic course is continuously accessible to all members of the RWTH and can be completed at any time. For self-enrollment, only the RWTH access data is required.

You want to attend the course and tackle your management of research data? Then register for our freshly updated RWTHmoodle course Research Data Management – An Overview (RDM I – online).

Implement and Deepen With RDM II – Workshops

The RDM II workshops are about trying out RDM tools and deepening the contents of RDM I by means of practical exercises and collegial exchange.

We will soon be offering the following RDM II workshops:

Please note at this point that the links to the courses will expire as soon as the courses expire. For an up-to-date listing of all upcoming events in the area of research data management, please visit the RWTH Aachen University event database.

Learn more

If you have any questions about the RDM training courses or about RDM in general, simply write a message to the IT-ServiceDesk. The RDM team looks forward to hearing from you.


Responsible for the content of this article are Lina-Louise Kaulbach, Ute Trautwein-Bruns and Arlinda Ujkani.


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