
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

Posters Wanted! Participate in the Research Data Day 2023

September 28th, 2023 | by
Research Data Day under the motto Promoting and Refining Data. Bring your data treasure to light on November 14, 2023. Power plant with TdF logo.


On November 14, 2023, the NRW Research Data Day will be a state-wide day of action on research data management. RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich are jointly organising a lecture and networking event on this occasion with a focus on the synergies of artificial intelligence (AI) and research data management (RDM). Be part of this event and submit your poster contribution by October 23, 2023!




From Data to Diamonds – Empowering Research with AI and RDM

This is the title of the event that will be held on November 14, 2023 from 1pm to 6pm at the SuperC of RWTH Aachen University. Exciting talks will highlight the synergies of RDM and AI and present examples of how the two topics strengthen each other.

During the subsequent poster session, the focus will be on networking. Researchers, data stewards and RDM experts will give insights into their work or present use cases for RDM from their projects. The RDM team at RWTH Aachen University and the Central Library of Forschungszentrum Jülich will present an overview of the RDM services and infrastructure available at their locations.

The event is targeted equally at researchers who are interested in activities in the field of RDM and AI as well as experts such as data stewards, RDM officers or data managers. Because RDM is a joint task, we are particularly pleased to be able to engage in personal exchange and strengthen the RDM network for the first time on a Research Data Day.

To participate in the event on site in Aachen, please register via the RWTH event database.

For all interested parties who cannot be on site in Aachen, online participation in the lectures is possible. In this case, please use the Zoom registration link to register.


Call for Poster Submission

Would you like to give an insight into how you deal with data in your projects, which may or may not involve AI methods? Would you like to present your tools or solutions? Or do you want to present challenges and look for competitors? Then use this platform and become an active part of the event by submitting a poster.

To submit a poster, please fill out the form and submit a title and abstract (100 words). The deadline for submissions is October 23, 2023. If we receive too many submissions, we reserve the right to make a selection focusing on researchers from the RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich sites. Notifications of acceptance will be sent from October, 24 2023. Accepted posters will be briefly presented at the TdF with a 1-minute teaser.


Research Data Day in NRW

The Research Data Day in NRW always takes place on the second Tuesday in November, now for the third time. It is organised by the state initiative together with many other universities and university associations in NRW. In 2023, the motto of the day is “Promoting and refining data: Bring your data treasure to light”.

Traditionally, there is a joint morning programme that takes place online and is moderated by the state initiative In the afternoon, the participating sites design their own programme. This can include lectures, workshops or networking opportunities, take place online or on site, address a closed group of people or be open to all interested parties.

The complete programme can be found on the website.


Learn More

Would you like to learn more about the Research Data Day? Then visit us on our website.

Do you have questions or feedback? Then write a message to the  IT-ServiceDesk. We are looking forward to your message!


Responsible for the content of this article are Lina-Louise Kaulbach and Ute Trautwein-Bruns.


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