
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

Kategorie: ‘FDM-Team unterwegs’

Young Academics Day

August 17th, 2023 | by
Various women stand together at a high table and exchange ideas.

Source: Heike Lachmann

Attention doctoral candidates and postdocs: The Center for Young Academics (CYA), together with the Vice-Rector for Human Resources Management and Development and Young Academics, Professor Sabine Brück-Dürkop, invites you to the annual Young Academics Day on August 31, 2023. This time, the event will take place on site in Aachen. The RDM team will also be there and will present the RDM tools and services. Read the article to find out more about the event.

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Networking at the RDM Network Meeting Lunch

August 3rd, 2023 | by
Lunch with pizza; different people eat different pizza dishes on the table

Source: Freepik

Data stewards, RDM responsible persons and researchers of RWTH Aachen University pay attention: On August 16, 2023, our summer lunch and networking event will take place in Aachen, to which we cordially welcome you. Our summer break is over, we brave the rain and look forward to seeing you again. You can find out all the information about getting to know each other and having lunch at the RDM network meeting in this article.

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Open Science Festival in Cologne – We Were There

July 20th, 2023 | by
Insight of a lecture from the Open Science Festival with audience

Source: Own illustration

“Meet, Share, Inspire, Care!”: Under this motto, the second edition of the German Open Science Festival was held at the ZB MED – Information Center and Life Sciences and at CECAD in Cologne on July 4 and 5, 2023. The RDM team of RWTH Aachen University did not want to miss this spectacle and paid a visit to the cathedral city on July 4. We have captured our impressions of this eventful day for you.

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Follow-up Report – RDM Workshop in Essen

June 29th, 2023 | by
Community Workshop KWI Essen


From June 14-16, 2023, the Coscine team participated in the RDM workshop hosted by Landesinitiative in Essen. The RDM workshop offered the opportunity to try out different tools, including Coscine. In different sessions, special functions of the individual tools were presented, which could be tried out by the participants during or afterwards. In addition, the workshop was an optimal opportunity to exchange information about the respective tools and to network. (*)

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Shaping Data Spaces in Germany and Europe – Herrenhäuser Conference

May 25th, 2023 | by
People sitting together in a conference

Source: Unsplash

From April 24 to 25, the Herrenhäuser Conference “Shaping Data Spaces in Germany and Europe – Impulses from Science” took place in Hannover. Decision-makers from the European Commission, the DFG and the NFDI consortia met to discuss the current and future challenges of data nationally and across Europe. RWTH Aachen University was also represented at the two-day conference.

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NFDI Talks: Coscine at the NFDI ToolTalk

March 23rd, 2023 | by
Coscine at NFDI ToolTalk

Source: Own illustration

In order to give researchers space and time for exchange and impulses, the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) organizes regular Talks in which experts from various disciplines present exciting topics in research data management (RDM) such as new services, use cases, and more. In the current ToolTalk, Coscine was the subject of the event!

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Review Coscine – FAIRly in Love with Research Data

February 23rd, 2023 | by
Coscine Logo & FAIR Principles in heart shape

Source: Own illustration

If you haven’t fallen in love with Coscine yet, you will have fallen under the spell of the research data management platform by February 14, 2023 at the latest – fittingly on the day of love. In this follow-up-report we have summarized the event for you and why Coscine makes your heart race. The event Coscine – FAIRly in Love with Research Data event took place as part of the Love Data Week.

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2021 – Wir blicken auf die FDM-Höhepunkte des Jahres zurück

December 28th, 2021 | by

This entry is only available in Deutsch.

Jahresrückblick FDM-Höhepunkte

Quelle: Martin Braun

Die Getränke sind kaltgestellt und das Jahr 2021 neigt sich dem Ende zu – allerhöchste Zeit für den Jahresrückblick und die diesjährigen Höhepunkte im Bereich des Forschungsdatenmanagements.

2021 hat erneut gezeigt, dass das FDM von Jahr zu Jahr mehr Fahrt aufnimmt und sich dabei auch nicht von einer anhaltenden Pandemie bremsen lässt. Ganz im Gegenteil: Das digitale FDM-Angebot hat dadurch einen Aufschwung erlebt.

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FDM erklärt – Der KDSF – Standard für Forschungsinformationen in Deutschland

July 15th, 2021 | by

This entry is only available in Deutsch.

Quelle: Pixabay

Die Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz (GWK) hat Anfang Juli 2021 die Einrichtung der „Kommission für Forschungsinformationen in Deutschland (KFiD)“ für zunächst sechs Jahre beschlossen und erste Mitglieder benannt. Sie soll die Verantwortung für den Kerndatensatz Forschung (KDSF) übernehmen. Wie die Kommission dies umsetzt, erfahren Sie in diesem Beitrag. Read the rest of this entry »

Glückwunsch! Förderung von acht NFDI-Konsortien mit RWTH-Beteiligung

July 2nd, 2021 | by

This entry is only available in Deutsch.

Glückwunsch zur Förderung!

Bild: Pixabay

Vor einigen Wochen haben wir in unserem Blogbeitrag Grund zur Freude! über die DFG-Förderungsempfehlung der Konsortien

berichtet und nun können wir mit großer Freude mitteilen, dass diese Konsortien tatsächlich von der DFG gefördert werden. Die Förderempfehlung fand wissenschaftsgeleitet durch die Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz (GWK) statt. Read the rest of this entry »