
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

Kategorie: ‘From the practice’

NFDI Talks: Coscine at the NFDI ToolTalk

March 23rd, 2023 | by
Coscine at NFDI ToolTalk

Source: Own illustration

In order to give researchers space and time for exchange and impulses, the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) organizes regular Talks in which experts from various disciplines present exciting topics in research data management (RDM) such as new services, use cases, and more. In the current ToolTalk, Coscine was the subject of the event!

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Follow-up Report on the Open Meeting of the RDM Network as part of Love Data Week

March 2nd, 2023 | by
The photo represents the key points such as date, topic, etc. for the network meeting on February 15, 2023 as part of Love Data Week.

Source: Own illustration; Freepik

The week before last was all in the name of love, or more precisely the love of data. For this reason, the regular Open Meeting of the RDM Network took place this time on February 15, 2023 as part of Love Data Week online via Zoom and was not only aimed at the data stewards, RDM officers and RDM interested parties at RWTH Aachen University, but also at external parties. In the meeting, participants were able to learn and exchange information about two approaches to digital support in RDM. You can read this and more in our latest Love Data Week follow-up report.

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Call for Papers – Build on Data

February 28th, 2023 | by
Symbol image baureka-online for the community meeting Build on Data


Contributions for the community conference “Auf Daten bauen // Build on Data”, of the DFG project are sought up to and including March 1, 2023. The community conference on “Research Data in Historical Building Research and Historic Preservation” will take place hybrid on May 4 and 5, 2023. Participants have the opportunity to attend the conference at the Technical University in Berlin or to attend online.

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What Does a Data Steward Actually Do? Part 3

February 16th, 2023 | by
Presentation with photo of Data Steward Katharina Grünwald

Katharina Grünwald in an interview. Source: Own illustration

The professional field of data stewards is exciting and versatile, which is why we don’t want to deprive our RDM blog readership of the third part of our series “What does a data steward actually do? In this interview, Ms. Katharina Grünwald answers our questions.

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Research Data Management at RWTH – Get the Overview!

February 9th, 2023 | by
RDM Trainings

Source: Own illustration

A quick and up-to-date introduction can be found with our RWTHmoodle course “Research Data Management – An Overview (RDM I – online)”!

This course is regularly updated and adapted to the dynamic development of research data management (RDM) and the RWTH infrastructure. Since the beginning of the year, you can use the updated version of the established self-study course.

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Follow-up Report on the Open Meeting of the RDM Network on January 11, 2023

January 26th, 2023 | by
The photo represents the key points such as date, topic etc. for the network meeting on 11.01.2023.

Source: Own illustration; Freepik

On January 11, 2023, the data stewards, RDM officers and RDM interested parties at RWTH Aachen University met for the first time in the new year for the regular Open Meeting of the RDM Network online via Zoom. The focus this time was on the two RDM instruments DataLad and the GIN-Tonic tool.

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RDM Explains – What is Open Access?

January 12th, 2023 | by
Iconic search bar for scientific online publications

Source: Freepik

Open Access publications are becoming increasingly relevant in many disciplines, but at the same time they are still often viewed with differentiation or even scepticism. For scientific progress and further research, however, it is indispensable that a broad mass of people can access and use the results. We have therefore taken a closer look at the topic of Open Access.

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The RDM Annual Review 2022

December 29th, 2022 | by
Two hands hold two luminous sparklers

RDM Annual Review 2022
Source: Unsplash

We are fast approaching the turn of the year. Just before the corks pop, we would like to look back on an exciting and eventful 2022 and review the many changes, events and happenings in the field of Research Data Management. Before we face new challenges and changes in the new year… 🙂

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RDM Explained – How do I Cite Research Data?

December 15th, 2022 | by
Image with data charts in quotation marks

Source: Own illustration

The last article in the “RDM explains” series was about how to find research data. But what happens if you have found relevant data and use it in your scientific work? In order not to run the risk of unintentionally plagiarising, care should be taken to cite all sources in a scientifically correct manner. But how exactly do you do that with research data? In this article, we present important principles and possibilities.

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This Was Research Data Day 2022 – A Look at The RWTH’s RDM-Compass

December 8th, 2022 | by
Desk with two screens, work utensils, headphones, a coffee cup and stress balls for Research Data Day on 15 November 2022

Source: Own illustration

All good things come in three. After we already reported on the cross-site morning programme and the RWTH’s workshop offer on the RDM platform Coscine, this is the third follow-up report on the Research Data Day in NRW, which was held on November 15, 2022 under the motto “Lighthouse RDM: Orientation in the Sea of Data”.

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