
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

Kategorie: ‘Informationen & Beratung’

Follow-up Report on Research Data Day 2023 – Afternoon Program

November 30th, 2023 | by
Professorfigur als Stressball steht auf einem Tisch im Hintergrund der Vortragsteil des Nachmittagsprogramm am Tag der Forschungsdaten

Source: Own illustration

Did you miss the Research Data Day 2023 in Aachen? Too bad! Around 80 RDM activists and RDM enthusiasts from Aachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich met on November 14, 2023 for a successful lecture and networking event. After we have already informed you about the morning program of the state-wide action day in NRW, we now report on the joint afternoon event of RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZ Jülich) “From Data to Diamonds – Empowering Research with AI and RDM”.

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Follow-up Report: Research Data Day 2023 – Morning Program

November 23rd, 2023 | by
TdF 2023 morning program

Source: Own illustration

All good things come in threes! On November 14, 2023, the Research Data Day in NRW celebrated its third anniversary. Under this year’s motto “Promote and refine data: Bring your data treasure to light”, the state initiative for research data management invited participants to a digital morning program full of fascinating presentations and lively discussions. One thing became clear: Raw data is the precious cornerstone of all research! Careful maintenance, processing and optimization can work wonders. In this way, simple rough diamonds are transformed into impressive treasures. In this follow-up report, you can find out how these rough diamonds are polished in numerous research institutions and which tools are used in the process.

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Call for Participation in the NFDI4Ing Community Survey

November 16th, 2023 | by
Two hands holding a smartphone that displays a survey

Source: Freepik

Attention engineering researchers: Your opinion is needed! The NFDI4Ing consortium cordially invites you to participate in the annual NFDI4Ing community survey.

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Coscine on Research Data Day 2023

November 2nd, 2023 | by
Treasure box with documents flying around and Coscine logo.

Source: Freepik

The third Research Data Day in North Rhine-Westphalia is just around the corner and promises many exciting discussions and insights into current developments within the research data management universe. What must not be missed is Coscine – the ever-growing platform for RDM. In keeping with the day’s theme, “Mining and Refining Data: Bring your data treasure to light” we FAIR refine your data treasure with Coscine.

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The Program Is Fixed! TdF 2023 in Aachen

October 26th, 2023 | by
Research Data Day under the motto Promoting and Refining Data. Bring your data treasure to light on November 14, 2023. Power plant with TdF logo.


In our last article about the Research Data Day (TdF) 2023 in NRW, we informed you extensively about this day of action for research data management and launched a call for poster contributions for the joint afternoon program of RWTH and Forschungszentrum Jülich. The posters are an essential part of the networking event and will be presented after our diverse lecture program. In this post, we would now like to present in detail the program flow for the event “From Data to Diamonds – Empowering Research with AI and RDM” on Research Data Day.

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Toolbox Data Literacy – Launch of Beta Version

October 5th, 2023 | by
Image & Logo of Toolbox Datenkompetenz - The Data Literacy Platform


In an increasingly digitalized world, the ability to understand and use data is crucial. In order to strengthen this essential competence among the German public at large and thus take a significant step toward actively shaping the digital future, the pioneering research project “Toolbox Data Literacy” (TBDK) was conceived.

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Posters Wanted! Participate in the Research Data Day 2023

September 28th, 2023 | by
Research Data Day under the motto Promoting and Refining Data. Bring your data treasure to light on November 14, 2023. Power plant with TdF logo.


On November 14, 2023, the NRW Research Data Day will be a state-wide day of action on research data management. RWTH Aachen University and Forschungszentrum Jülich are jointly organising a lecture and networking event on this occasion with a focus on the synergies of artificial intelligence (AI) and research data management (RDM). Be part of this event and submit your poster contribution by October 23, 2023!

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Follow-up Report on the First CoRDI – Conference on Research Data Infrastructure

September 21st, 2023 | by
Coscine lecture at the CorDI with Katja Jansen

Source: Own illustration

For the first time, the “Conference on Research Data Infrastructure” took place in Karlsruhe from 12 to 14 September 2023. The conference was organised by the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) Association in cooperation with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and brought together national and international experts from various research fields and research data management infrastructures under the motto “Connecting Communities”. With numerous scientific talks, discussions, guest lectures, poster presentations and networking opportunities, the event focused on the comprehensive use of research data. Find out how Coscine integrated into the conference in this blog post.

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Our Review of RWTH Young Academics Day 2023

September 7th, 2023 | by
Market Place RDM Booth

Quelle: Own Illustration

The academic world can be an exciting, but also challenging environment. The pressure to produce research results and compete in a highly competitive environment can often be overwhelming for young academics. To address these challenges and support young researchers, Young Academics Day was held at RWTH Aachen University’s SuperC on September 5, 2023. The event was dedicated to mental health in academic careers and offered a wealth of valuable information. In this article, we have summarized the contents of the event for you.

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