
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

Schlagwort: ‘coscine’

New Application Profile in Coscine

June 15th, 2023 | by
Figure Coscine - Platform for Research Data Management

Source: Own illustration

A new application profile for Preclinical Imaging has recently become available in Coscine. In this blog post, you will learn what this profile can do, how it was created, and how it can be used.

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Follow-up Report – Coscine @ Coffee Lecture

June 9th, 2023 | by
Logo of Coscine

Source: Coscine

On May 31, 2023, Coscine was presented as part of the Coffee Lecture series of the Thuringian Competence Network for Research Data Management. This time, everything revolved around the topic of “FAIR research data management (RDM) from the very beginning”. Coscine offers an innovative solution for storing, managing and archiving research and metadata. The goal is to support researchers in their work and to promote collaboration across organizational boundaries. Learn how fair RDM works in Coscine and how Coscine can be used in this blog post.

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Coscine – Moving From Pilot Phase Into Regular Operation

April 20th, 2023 | by
Coscine logo on dark blue background with confetti bag as i-dot

Source: Own illustration

A reason to celebrate! After an extensive pilot phase, we can deliver the happy news that Coscine is moving from now on into regular operation. Find out what’s behind Coscine and why this service is the best way to support you in your research data management in this blog post.

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Follow-up report – Coscine at NFDI ToolTalk

April 6th, 2023 | by
Coscine at NFDI ToolTalk

Source: Own illustration

On March 20, 2023, Coscine was presented as part of the NFDI ToolTalk series. As previously announced in the NFDI Talks blog post, here is the post-event report on the digital event. What the contents of the presentation were, we have summarized for you in this post.

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NFDI Talks: Coscine at the NFDI ToolTalk

March 23rd, 2023 | by
Coscine at NFDI ToolTalk

Source: Own illustration

In order to give researchers space and time for exchange and impulses, the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) organizes regular Talks in which experts from various disciplines present exciting topics in research data management (RDM) such as new services, use cases, and more. In the current ToolTalk, Coscine was the subject of the event!

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Review Coscine – FAIRly in Love with Research Data

February 23rd, 2023 | by
Coscine Logo & FAIR Principles in heart shape

Source: Own illustration

If you haven’t fallen in love with Coscine yet, you will have fallen under the spell of the research data management platform by February 14, 2023 at the latest – fittingly on the day of love. In this follow-up-report we have summarized the event for you and why Coscine makes your heart race. The event Coscine – FAIRly in Love with Research Data event took place as part of the Love Data Week.

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Love Data Week 2023

January 23rd, 2023 | by

This entry is only available in Deutsch.

Die Love Data Week (LDW) ist eine internationale Aktionswoche, in der gemeinsam über Forschungsdaten diskutiert und nachgedacht wird. Unter dem Motto “Data: Agent of Change” wird die Datenliebe 2023 weltweit vom 13.–17. Februar mit zahlreichen Veranstaltungen zu unterschiedlichsten FDM-Themen zelebriert. Die FDM-Initiativen in Deutschland möchten mit einer breiten Beteiligung an der LDW mehr Aufmerksamkeit für FDM generieren.


We love Data!

Die RWTH Aachen University lädt am 14.02.2022 von 14:00 bis 15:00 Uhr zu einem Workshop über Coscine ein und plant für den 15.02.2022 noch ein Überraschungsdate für FDM-Liebhaber. Weitere Informationen:

Love Data Week 2023 – Celebrating the Love of Data

January 19th, 2023 | by
Coscine with heart on the letter "i

Source: Own illustration

It’s coming soon! Love Data Week 2023 is just around the corner. In the week around Valentine’s Day, February 13-17, data love will be celebrated worldwide under the motto “Data: Agent of Change” with many events on different RDM topics.

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The RDM Annual Review 2022

December 29th, 2022 | by
Two hands hold two luminous sparklers

RDM Annual Review 2022
Source: Unsplash

We are fast approaching the turn of the year. Just before the corks pop, we would like to look back on an exciting and eventful 2022 and review the many changes, events and happenings in the field of Research Data Management. Before we face new challenges and changes in the new year… 🙂

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