
Research Data – Latest News & Worth Knowing

Schlagwort: ‘DMP’

Love Data Week 2024 – Our Love of Data Continues!

January 25th, 2024 | by
Desktop with hearts

Source: Freepik

Love Data Week (LDW) is just around the corner and we’re ready to mix a dash of flirtation into your data love! From February 12 to 16, 2024, our #RDMPower will be in the spotlight as we participate in the exciting events of LDW under the motto “My Kind of Data”. Find out which events you shouldn’t miss at RWTH Aachen University in this blog post.

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From Data Inventory to Data Management Plan

January 4th, 2024 | by
Data Management

Source: Freepik

Note: The blog post was written by Katharina M. E. Grünwald and therefore has a personal character. She works as a data steward at the RWTH IT Center. Have fun reading!

You are about to start your doctoral thesis, the topic has been decided and you know when everything will start. But suddenly you hear that you also need to have good research data management (RDM) if you want to comply with modern good scientific practice. Your department has special data formats, you have to complete a data management plan (DMP), RWTH Aachen University offers services such as Coscine and the German Research Foundation (DFG) also has guidelines on what it considers to be good RDM. Quite a mess… and now?

Don’t worry – we got you. In this blog post, you will learn in two easy-to-apply steps how to get an overview of the chaos and understand the structure behind it.

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Call For Papers: Contributions to Data Management Planning Sought

October 13th, 2022 | by
Illustrated illustration of a woman with her research paper concept

Source: Freepik

The international Data Science Journal is seeking contributions for a special volume on “Data Management Planning across Disciplines and Infrastructures“. The focus of the contributions should be on working with data management plans and their implementation. Articles can be submitted to the Data Science Journal until November 15, 2022.

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New RWTH RDM Flyer

April 28th, 2022 | by
RWTH RDM flyer

Source: Own Illustration

The flyer for Research Data Management (RDM) has been given a new coat of paint. Once a bit outdated, the document has been put through its paces over the last six months of collaboration with Marketing and Event Management (Marie) and the RDM team, consisting of the IT Center’s Research Process & Data Management (RPDM) department and the University Library (UB), and finalized for the public. In this blog post, we would like to introduce you to our new RDM flyer.

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Follow-up Report on the Open Meeting of the RDM Network on March 9, 2022

March 17th, 2022 | by
Info and data on the Open Meeting of the RDM Network on March 09, 2022

Source: Freepik

The RDM team invited to the regular meeting of the Research Data Management (RDM) network on March 9, 2022 and once again data stewards, RDM officers and people interested in RDM at RWTH Aachen University came together again online via Zoom. This time, the participants discussed strategies for introducing data management plans (DMPs) in projects.

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RDM explained – How to Validate Data?

March 10th, 2022 | by
Data reporting on a laptop screen.

Source: Unsplash

As part of good scientific practice, research data should be stored for up to 10 years. In addition, more and more funding agencies expect information on where the collected data is stored. However, it is neither technically nor economically possible to store all data collected during a research project. Accordingly, it is necessary to carry out a data evaluation after a project has been completed. This forms the basis for deciding which data should or must be archived. Our new blog post gives a first insight into what should be considered when validating data.

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FDM erklärt – Was ist eigentlich ein Datenmanagementplan?

April 22nd, 2021 | by

This entry is only available in Deutsch.

Mann macht handschriftliche Notizen

Quelle: Pixabay

Der Begriff „Datenmanagementplan“ (DMP) ist schon des Öfteren in den Beiträgen auf unserem Blog gefallen. Vielleicht haben Sie die Bezeichnung auch bereits im Rahmen eines wissenschaftlichen Projekts gehört. Doch wissen Sie auch, was genau darunter verstanden wird und welche Bedeutung ein DMP für ein Forschungsprojekt hat? Nein? Dann haben Sie nun die Möglichkeit, das zu ändern. In unserem neuen Beitrag der Reihe „FDM erklärt“ haben wir die wichtigsten Informationen zum Thema DMP zusammengefasst und versuchen Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen. Read the rest of this entry »

FDM-Projekte aus Deutschland Teil 1: eHumanities – interdisziplinär

December 10th, 2020 | by

This entry is only available in Deutsch.

Deutschland hat eine Menge an interessanten Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM)-Projekten zu bieten. In unserer neuen Blog-Reihe „FDM-Projekte aus Deutschland“ möchten wir Ihnen daher laufende FDM-Projekte vorstellen. Den Anfang der Reihe macht heute das Projekt eHumanities – interdisziplinär.

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Research Data Alliance lädt zum Hackathon ein

May 15th, 2020 | by

This entry is only available in Deutsch.

Daten-Interessierte aufgepasst! Die Research Data Alliance (RDA) veranstaltet einen Hackathon zum Thema maschinell-umsetzbare Datenmanagementpläne (maDMP). Der Hackathon ist für jeden offen. Auch das Entwickler-Team des Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO) nimmt an der Veranstaltung teil. Wie Sie sich auch ohne technische Kenntnisse beteiligen können und wann das Ganze stattfindet, erfahren Sie hier.

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Nachbericht zum FDM-Netzwerktreffen zum Thema Infrastrukturangebote

April 1st, 2020 | by

Am 11.03.2020 fand das zweite offene Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM)- Netzwerktreffen zum Thema Infrastrukturangebote in der Universitätsbibliothek (UB) der RWTH statt. Dabei kamen erneut FDM-Verantwortliche der operativen Ebene und Data Stewards zusammen, um sich über die Infrastrukturangebote im Forschungsdatenmanagement zu informieren und sich auszutauschen.

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