Schlagwort: ‘Forschungsdatenmanagement’
Changes at the DFG – Uniform Template for the Curriculum Vitae
In order to initiate a cultural change in science evaluation and improve equal opportunities in this context, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) has put together a corresponding package of measures. As a result, the DFG is changing the application forms and introducing a uniform and mandatory template for CVs. In the new RDM blog post, we take a closer look at the innovations and the reasons behind them.
What Does a Data Steward Actually Do? Part 2
In the second part of our series, we have prepared an exciting interview with archaeologist Dr. phil. Sophie Helas, who has been working as a Data Steward at RWTH Aachen University since 2021. We have summarised for you what her motivation was to apply as a Data Steward, what her field of work is like and the challenges she faces in her everyday life.
RDM Projects in Germany – EVER_RDM
The last article in our series on “RDM projects in Germany” (only available in German) was published over a year ago. Perhaps one or two of our readers can still remember it. Now it is time to dust off the series again and revive it, because there is a new project in which Research Data Danagement itself is the subject of investigation. May we introduce? Project EVER_RDM – Development and Dissemination of Research Data Management at Universities of Applied Sciences.
FDM-Plattform Coscine – mehr als gratis Speicherplatz!
Zeitgemäße Forschung beinhaltet ein bewusstes Forschungsdatenmanagement (FDM) mit dem Ziel, qualitativ hochwertige Forschungsdaten zu erzeugen und nachhaltig nutzbar, d. h. auch auffindbar, zugänglich und verständlich zu halten. Die FDM-Plattform Coscine (Collaborative Scientific Integration Environment) unterstützt Sie dabei und hilft Ihnen, die Anforderungen von Forschungsförderern zu erfüllen und der Guten Wissenschaftlichen Praxis zu entsprechen.
Am Ende dieses Online-Workshops können Sie Coscine effizient für Ihr Forschungsdatenmanagement einsetzen und damit wichtige Bestandteile der guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis erfüllen.
RDM Workshops in the 2nd Half of the Year – Register Now!
The RDM further education programme for researchers at RWTH Aachen University in the 2nd half of 2022 is now online. Register right now and save your place in the workshop!
Case Study Voyager 1 – Why RDM Is Important
If you want to conduct research at a high level, you inevitably have to deal with research data management and digital long-term archiving to prevent possible data loss. We would like to illustrate why RDM is important and easy to implement, especially in the digital age, using NASA’s Voyager 1 spacecraft as a case study.
What Does a Data Steward Actually Do?
Do you remember our Data Steward interview series? Two interesting interviews with insights into the job as a data steward appeared on the RDM blog back then. After a somewhat longer absence, we are now celebrating a new edition of the series and would like to immerse you again in the work of the data stewards at RWTH Aachen University, some of whom have recently joined us.
New Video – How Do I Archive Research Data at RWTH?
Are you new to the topic of archiving research data? You think archiving is just a technical question of where to store it? Then we now have something for you: namely a recently published video on the topic of archiving research data, created by the University Library of RWTH Aachen University.
Was the Switch to Digital Successful? – A Stocktaking
The breakout of the corona pandemic has presented us with new challenges not only in our private and professional lives, but also in the organisation and the conduct of teaching and research. There was a considerable, albeit unplanned surge in digitalisation. The RDM Team at RWTH Aachen University also had to adapt and make adjustments, especially with regard to events and workshops. Meanwhile, two years have passed and it is time to take stock. Was the changeover successful?