Schlagwort: ‘IT Center’
NFDI-MatWerk Spring School in 2025
From April 8 to 10, 2025, the NFDI-MatWerk Spring School will take place at the IT Center in Kopernikusstraße at RWTH Aachen University. Organized by the NFDI-MatWerk consortium in cooperation with renowned partners such as Forschungszentrum Jülich and various RWTH institutes, the event is aimed at doctoral students, postdocs and advanced master’s students in the fields of materials science and engineering.
Participants will gain comprehensive knowledge of digitization solutions and research data management, learn how to effectively organize, store and share data, and exchange ideas with experts.
Registration is open until March 15, 2025, although the number of participants is limited. The “first come, first served” principle applies. Registration for the event is possible via the website of the European School of Materials (EUSMAT). Further information can be found on the RDM blog.
The RDM Annual Review 2024
2024 was another exciting year for research data management (RDM). At RWTH Aachen University and beyond, numerous events, new initiatives and exciting developments have further advanced RDM. It was a year full of innovations, challenges and inspiring encounters. Let’s take a look at the highlights of the past year!
Glückwunsch! Förderung von acht NFDI-Konsortien mit RWTH-Beteiligung
Vor einigen Wochen haben wir in unserem Blogbeitrag Grund zur Freude! über die DFG-Förderungsempfehlung der Konsortien
- NFDI4DataScience
- NFDI4Earth
- FAIRmat
- NFDI-MatWerk
- NFDI4Microbiota
- Text+
berichtet und nun können wir mit großer Freude mitteilen, dass diese Konsortien tatsächlich von der DFG gefördert werden. Die Förderempfehlung fand wissenschaftsgeleitet durch die Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz (GWK) statt. Read the rest of this entry »