Source: Pixabay
Warm and summery days, then suddenly winter again – this year the old farmer’s rule is true again: April does what it wants. But it’s not just the weather that is varied, the new features in RWTHmoodle also offer the opportunity in the summer semester 2021 to expand the functionalities of the learning platform offered and thus bring a little variety into everyday learning.
But what is new?
Hide Gradebook
Don’t want students to be able to access the Assessments area in the Learning Space? This can now be changed via the course settings.
Add Dynexite block
Access to the Dynexite e-exam system can now be added to the course room via a block and used not only for e-exams, but also for semester-and learning-related homework assignments.
Exam Scan: Scripts for electronic post-exam review
Electronic exam views can be simplified by these exam scan scripts, especially with large numbers of participants.
Group members: Display of contact details in the participants list
Students normally do not see the names or e-mail addresses of other students in the list of participants in a course room.This data is only visible if the students explicitly allow this in their profile settings.
With the new feature, contact data will be displayed to group members if they are collaborating in a workgroup.
Import group members
You have already made group assignments with external tools and now want to transfer them to the course room? With this function you can now import the participants group by group into the appropriate group.
PDF annotation: usability on tablets, private comments, personal notes
The PDF annotator is not new. Already in 2019 we reported about the self-developed Moodle plugin. However, we have now extended it. Here now come three innovations at once:
- PDF annotation creation is now possible via tablet or smartphone.
- Private, non-anonymous annotations can be exchanged between students and instructors
- Creating an annotation as a personal note is now available
Streaming videos: Download option
We have also reported on the download option for streaming videos. You can use this to allow students to download learning videos that have been uploaded to the RWTH streaming server via Opencast.
Streaming videos: Import from other course rooms
With this function it is possible to import single streaming videos into another course room via the Opencast block.
Streaming videos: Use as activity instead of embedding
With this new feature, it is no longer necessary to re-embed the links of streaming videos after importing them in the new course room. The video activities can now be transferred to the new course room.
Participants: Import large numbers
Want to add large numbers of people to the course room without manually picking out each account? This is now possible via the group member import feature.
Hide participants list
The list of participants can now be hidden from the students’ eyes. After that, only the managers of the course room have access to it.
Statistics for course room usage
With this plugin you have the possibility to get privacy-compliant information about how intensively the available materials and activities in a course room are used.
Are you curious now?
We have compiled an overview of the features and the most important information about them in our documentation.
Would you like to know more about the new features and their use in a teaching scenario? The IT-ServiceDesk will be happy to help you.
Responsible for the content of this article is Dana Jahn