
IT Center Blog

Online Remote Exams in Summer Semester 2021

June 17th, 2021 | by
Studierende/r am Laptop

Prüfungen von zu Hause schreiben im Sommersemester 2021
Source: Pixabay

Examinations at RWTH Aachen University can also be conducted as online remote exams in the summer semester 2021. For better capacity planning, teachers are requested to apply for their preferred remote examination platform in RWTHonline by 30.06.2021. This must also be done if the examinations initially continue to be scheduled in presence.

As in the winter semester 2020/21, the platforms Dynexite and temp-Moodle are available for online remote exams. Dynexite is the RWTH’s central examination system. temp-Moodle was introduced in the examination phase of the 2020/21 winter semester to ensure that the examination process runs smoothly. RWTHmoodle, which was also used for exams in the winter semester, is only available for teaching purposes in the summer semester. Exams are not conducted on this system.

What’s new?

Dynexite has recently been equipped with a new scanning function that allows students to upload paper-based exam components quickly and easily via smartphone. This allows the completion of the exam, including correction, review, and post-correction, to be mapped digitally and online in a single system.

Another new feature this semester is that the platforms must be requested in RWTHonline as resources for the respective exam. The choices are:

1) “Dynexite and temp-Moodle” (recommended): the exam will take place via Dynexite. In this case, the temp-Moodle exam room is used to distribute exam-relevant information (e.g. the zoom link) to the examinees.

2) “temp-Moodle”: the exam is conducted entirely through an exam room in temp-Moodle.


What is the procedure?

Instructions for requesting an online remote exam are located in the RWTHonline documentation.

For exams that take place purely via temp-Moodle, the requested resources will be approved from 01.07.2021. To avoid overloading the system, adjustments may be made in individual cases (delayed start, cohort formation, etc.).

For online remote exams administered through Dynexite, the Center for Teaching and Learning Services (CLS) staff will reach out directly to the respective examiners. Due to the volume of exams, not all exams can be administered by CLS, so adjustments may need to be made in individual cases.

IT Center and CLS recommend the change to Dynexite and are happy to provide support.

Information and instructions on temp-Moodle can be found on IT Center Help.
Information and guidance on remote testing in general is provided by CLS on its website.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the IT-ServiceDesk.

Responsible for the content of this article is Anastasios Krikas.


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