
IT Center Blog

Random Acts of Kindness Day

February 16th, 2022 | by
Child holding up a sign with a heart

Source: Freepik

Tomorrow, February 17, is Random Acts of Kindness Day will be celebrated in New Zealand and the USA. What is it all about? By making small gestures, people want to make their (every)day a little nicer for their fellow human beings. For example, by being especially friendly, holding the door open for someone or volunteering to help other people.

We take this day as an opportunity to tell you – our community – that it’s great that you’re here!

Of course we are also there for you!

You can find support in all IT situations in the form of instructions on our documentation portal IT Center Help.

Would you like something a little more personal?

Then our colleagues at the IT-ServiceDesk are your number for IT problems! If you prefer the written word, our colleagues are of course also happy to help you via e-mail or chat.

Do you have specific questions about high performance computing (HPC)?

Then you have the opportunity to participate in the HPC Consultation Hour next week.

Every four weeks, a team of HPC specialists will be available to answer your HPC questions. Just dial in and ask your questions. No registration is necessary!

Would you like to make friendliness your profession?

Then apply at the IT Center. You can find the job offers on the IT Center website.


We wish a lot of joy on the Random Acts of Kindness Day, let’s give others but also ourselves small spontaneous attentions and put small rays of sunshine in the gray February. 🙂


Responsible for the content of this article is Linda Jörres.

4 responses to “Random Acts of Kindness Day”

  1. Der Supporter des Vertrauens says:

    Ich bedanke mich ebenfalls für diesen Beitrag! Total nett, dass man Acht gibt auf den Menschen und das Miteinander. Gerne öfter sowas 🙂

    • Kaminski, Nicole Terese says:

      herzlichen Dank für deine positive Rückmeldung zu unserem Beitrag!
      Wir freuen uns sehr, dass dir dieser Beitrag so gefällt 🙂

      Das Feedback nehmen wir gerne mit und werden sicherlich auch in Zukunft immer mal wieder daran erinnern, wie wichtig es ist, einfach mal so liebe Worte an unsere Mitmenschen zu richten und sich gegenseitig Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken!

      Liebe Grüße
      das IT Center Blog Team

  2. sonmersonnesonnenschein says:

    Danke für diesen Beitrag. In Zeiten wie diesen sind wir viel zu häufig zu wenig nett zu einander. Danke IT Center das du auch daran denkst

    • Kaminski, Nicole Terese says:

      Hallo sommersonnensonnenschein,

      vielen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar!
      Gerade in diesen Zeiten sollten wir alle mehr zusammenhalten und uns gegenseitig unterstützen.

      Liebe Grüße
      das IT Center Blog Team