
IT Center Blog

RWTH Software Shop for Students

March 15th, 2024 | by
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Source: Freepik

asknet Solutions AG, the current operator of the RWTH Software Shop, is currently undergoing self-administered insolvency proceedings. For this reason, RWTH Aachen University will terminate the current contract prematurely and offer an interim solution. This change will also affect the product range for students, which is why we have summarised the most important changes for you below.


What Is Fundamentally Changing?

The contract with asknet Solutions AG will therefore be terminated in the first quarter of 2024. To ensure that you continue to have access to the software you need for your studies during the transition phase, there will be an interim shop for students.

On 26 March 2024, an interim solution called AcadCloud from SoftwareOne GmbH Germany will be introduced. This solution will have limited functions and a new URL as well as a new design. There will be two separate interim shops, one for students and one for people with the role “Order IT”. You will receive the link on the IT Center website as soon as the shop is online.


What Will Change in the Product Groups?

As a student, you can still access A products that are procured centrally by RWTH. These are essential for your studies and will continue to be available. Other “research & teaching licences” (C products) will no longer be available. We therefore recommend that you secure all downloads of these products before 25 March 2024.


We would also like to inform you that there will be no parallel operation of the software shops. The interim shop will go online one day after the asknet shop is shut down. We are aware that these changes can be challenging and are endeavouring to provide you with the best possible support.

If you have any questions or problems, you can contact the IT Service Desk. You can also find up-to-date information on access to the new shop for students on our website and on IT Center Help.


Responsible for the content of this article is Malak Mostafa.


2 responses to “RWTH Software Shop for Students”

  1. Josef OTTO says:

    Gibt es die ASKNET inzwischen noch?

    • Mielke, Merrit says:

      Hallo Josef Otto,

      wie der aktuelle Stand des Insolvenzverfahrens ist, wissen wir nicht.
      Wir arbeiten nun mit der Firma SoftwareOne GmbH zusammen.

      Sonnige Grüße
      Das IT Center Blog Team


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