
IT Center Blog

MoodleCafé – Exchange Format for Good Teaching With RWTHmoodle

September 18th, 2024 | by
RWTH MoodleCafé

Source: own illustration

Are you looking for good practice examples for the use of RWTHmoodle in teaching? Then visit the ‘MoodleCafé’.

In this new digital exchange format, lecturers from different departments at RWTH Aachen University will present concrete examples of how they use specific functions such as StudentQuiz, PDF annotation or gamification to benefit their teaching. Take the opportunity to familiarise yourself with previously little-known functions in RWTHmoodle, exchange ideas about challenges and solutions and benefit from the positive experiences of your colleagues.


New Dates for the MoodleCafé

The MoodleCafé is organised by the Center for Teaching and Learning Services (CLS). Three new MoodleCafés are on the programme for the winter semester 2024/25:

  1. peer review: In this MoodleCafé, two successful application examples of the ‘peer review’ activity will be presented, in which students evaluate the submissions of their fellow students. Here you will learn, among other things, how a peer review can be meaningfully integrated into a didactic learning concept and what recommendations there are for its use. Date: October 10, 2024 at 2 pm
  2. increasing student motivation with gamification: Two lecturers will present their successful gamification implementations in Moodle learning spaces (including ‘Level Up!’ and ‘Badges’) and share their experiences on how to design and integrate them to increase student motivation and engagement. Date: November 20, 2024 at 2 pm
  3. collaboratively collect data with the database activity: The third MoodleCafé focuses on the ‘Database’ activity in RWTHmoodle. Learn how this versatile activity is used in RWTHmoodle learning spaces to support collaborative learning projects and create structured data collections. You will also be shown how to use predefined templates to quickly and easily customise the database for completely different purposes. Date: December 4, 2024 at 2 pm

Each MoodleCafé offers all interested teachers the opportunity to get to know the respective Moodle tools and their application examples and to exchange ideas directly with other people in teaching.



Register via the staff development event database. The events take place via Zoom. The access data will be sent by e-mail after registration.


Responsible for the content of this article is Valentin Koser.

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