
IT Center Blog

Kategorie: ‘IT-Security’

The Story of the Bug

November 9th, 2022 | by
Code lines „Failed to load resource“

Source: Unsplash

The download does not work? Probably a bug.

The lights of the WLAN router flash wildly in all possible colors? Could be a bug.

The software only throws error messages? A bug, for sure.

The term “bug” has long since crept into everyday life. Most people know it from working with electronic devices.


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RegApp – Start of the pilot phase on the cluster

November 2nd, 2022 | by
Login window with username and unrecognizable password

Source: Pixabay

Cluster users beware!

In preparation for higher security measures when logging in to the RWTH HPC Cluster, your HPC accounts will be switched to RegApp from 02. November 2022.

What is behind this and what will change for you?

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Honeypot – How to Lure Cyber Criminals

October 7th, 2022 | by

Source: Freepik

Sometimes the best defence is a strong offensive. When it comes to IT security, the demand for offensive security measures is greater than ever. These often rely on techniques and approaches that are actually used by criminal hackers to lure user into traps. But attackers themselves can also be tricked into a trap. Honeypots are not only used to attract bears. They can also be used to catch cybercriminals in the act. In this article, we will explain what a honeypot is and how it can be used to increase IT security. Read the rest of this entry »

Attention: Spear Phishing Emails in Circulation

September 30th, 2022 | by
Arrow through laptop

Source: Own illustration

In the last weeks, there have been more spear phishing attacks on RWTH email addresses. In this article, we would like to make you aware of these attacks and explain how you can recognize spear phishing emails. You have received a spear phishing email to your RWTH email address? We explain how you should best proceed. Read the rest of this entry »

E-Mail Security – Why Are Redirections Bad?

September 7th, 2022 | by
Illustration mail correspondence

Source: Freepik

The third part of our series of articles on e-mail security deals with the identification protocol DKIM and the standard method for e-mail authentication DMARC.

In our first article and second article on the topic of e-mail security, we informed you about the origins of e-mail and the current statistics in mail traffic at RWTH. In addition, we explained what the SMTP protocol is and what problems it can cause.



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The IT Center’s IT Security Measures

September 2nd, 2022 | by
Falling dominoes

Source: Freepik

With technological progress and the increasing digitization of processes, the topic of IT security is gaining more and more importance. The risks associated with digitalization affect us all. Improper behavior and naivety in dealing with information technology can have serious, costly consequences. That is why the security awareness of users in particular should be actively encouraged. IT security also plays a major role at the IT Center. In this blog, for example, we repeatedly draw your attention to security risks and explain how you can be more aware when using information technology. In this post, we would like to give you an overview of the IT security measures that have been implemented at the IT Center, for both yours and our protection. Read the rest of this entry »

Artificial Intelligence – Curse or Blessing for IT Security?

August 29th, 2022 | by
Concept of digital transformation of the brain of AI technology

Source: Freepik

We are increasingly coming across the term “artificial intelligence” (AI). Whenever we come across this term that has become a fashionable phenomenon in the media, there are regularly reports about self-thinking AI, fully autonomous means of transport or other similar applications. For many of us, it can be hard to figure out what is actually meant by the term. However, the application areas of AI that seem to be particularly popular in the media are in reality only a very small segment of the actual application field of AI. Many a user would probably even be surprised to know in which areas AI is already being implemented today. In this article, we would like to take a closer look at the term and explain what role artificial intelligence can play in the field of IT security.

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Hooray, Hooray the New Backup System Is Here!

August 19th, 2022 | by
Screen capture of the log-in area of the web console

Source: Own illustration

Trust is good, backup is better! If you can rely on a good backup of data and systems, you are already on the safe side. We know that this time it took a little longer than planned, but we would like to take this opportunity to thank all at RWTH Aachen University backup admins for their patience and trust. Of course, we would also like to thank our Friendly User Group, which has accompanied us since February ’22. Therefore we are even more happy to announce: We are ready to go! To the clients, install, register and assign server plan! You can read more about it in this article.

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Cyber-Security-Awareness-Training at RWTH – a Review

August 15th, 2022 | by
Padlock in front of world map

Source: Pixabay

No more simulated phishing emails in your inbox? No more access to the eLearning program for employees of the RWTH? That can only mean one thing: the cyber security awareness training at RWTH Aachen University ended for the time being on May 09, 2022.

Today we look back on the training and share the results with you. Read the rest of this entry »

E-Mail Security – The SMTP Protocol and Its Problems (Sending and Receiving)

July 27th, 2022 | by
 Technical graphic for receiving and sending e-mails

Source: Freepik

In our first article on the topic of e-mail security, we gave an insight into the historical development of email. We briefly explained how email exchange works and referred to the statistics of the email service at RWTH Aachen University.

Today we’ll tell you about the transmission protocol “Simple Mail Transfer Protocol” (SMTP) and its pitfalls.

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