
IT Center Blog

Schlagwort: ‘IT security’

Macros – Our Measures For Your Security

September 1st, 2021 | by
Illustration data theft

Photo: Freepik

***Change of editorial department on 02.11.2021***

E-mails are often misused for phishing attempts and to spread malware. Especially emails with file attachments should be checked critically. In our first article on macros, we explained what macros are and why they can be dangerous. In today’s article, you will learn what precautions are now being taken, what alternative options are available for sending documents, and what precautions you can take to protect yourself from files with dangerous macros. Read the rest of this entry »

How can I recognize trustworthy websites?

August 23rd, 2021 | by

Source: Pixabay

Surfing the Internet is part of our everyday lives. Both in our private lives and at work, we are using the World Wide Web. We visit websites to inform ourselves, to communicate and even to shop. In the process, data from your own device will automatically be transferred to the website you are visiting and vice versa. When surfing, you should therefore critically inspect every website you visit. Just like in the real world, there are safe places on the Internet and places that you should avoid for your own safety. Nevertheless, how can you judge a website correctly and how can you distinguish between a trustworthy and an untrustworthy website? The following criteria should help you! Read the rest of this entry »

IT-SAD: IT Security Awareness Days 2021!

June 7th, 2021 | by
IT Security Awareness Days 2021: attend for free and without any registration

Online and without any registration – the IT Security Awareness Days 2021
Source: TU Braunschweig

Trustworthy IT infrastructure is essential these days, especially when it comes to IT security. But did you know that most cyber attacks take advantage of human vulnerabilities? Terms like social engineering and (spear-)fishing are becoming more and more popular. In other words, IT security is not limited to the implementation of a solid IT infrastructure. In fact, the human factor can be the greatest vulnerability. Accordingly, it is particularly crucial to involve every single user and to educate them about the various threats.

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