Schlagwort: ‘Zuse’
The Beginnings of Computer Technology – Part 3

Source: Wikimedia Commons
In our previous post we explored the basic architecture of the Z3, now let’s look at the aspect that made the Z3 so special: the ability to program it freely. In this third, and final, part of this series, we will focus on how programs were entered and processed and what limitations existed. We will also take a look at the input and output methods to get a more comprehensive picture of how users interacted with the machine.
The Beginnings of Computer Technology – Part 2

Source: Konrad Zuse Internet Archive
In our last article, The beginnings of computer technology, we already took a look at the first calculating machines by Konrad Zuse. Now we want to discuss the individual components of the Z3, which is considered to be the world’s first fully programmable computer, and find out which of its concepts are still used in modern computer technology. In particular, this article will focus on the architecture of the Z3.
The Beginnings of Computer Technology

Source: Konrad Zuse Internet Archive
Computers have become an essential part of our lives and significantly influence our daily routine. From using them at work, to gaming at home, to listening to music, writing messages and social media on our cell phones. We already took a closer look at how our computers work today and what lies behind them in our last article “From Click to Display, This is How Computers Calculate”. But how did this journey begin?