Schlagwort: ‘CAS Campus’
Adieu CAS CAMPUS Web-Phonebook

Source: Freepik
The old CAS Campus directory will be shut down on August 31, 2023. For many years it served RWTH Aachen University and the RWTH University Hospital as a web phone book. Until the introduction of RWTHonline, CAS CAMPUS was not just a web phonebook at the time, but a fully comprehensive CAMPUS management system for teaching at RWTH.
On the blog, we have provided comprehensive coverage of the project to replace CAS CAMPUS with its follow-up, RWTHcontacts, and have been keeping you up to date.
Since June 28, 2023, the web phone book of CAS CAMPUS is only available for reading and has been replaced by the new directory RWTHcontacts for the RWTH and UKAcontacts for the University Hospital. Read the rest of this entry »
Help, My Title in RWTHcontacts Is Wrong

Source: Freepik
On June 27, 2023, RWTHcontacts replaced the old CAS CAMPUS directory and is now the new, leading directory for personal and organization data at RWTH Aachen University. On RWTHcontacts, the information from the Directory of Organizations and People is displayed.
To ensure that academic titles of persons are also displayed correctly, Identity Management obtains its data from various systems. But more about this later.
RWTHcontacts – The New and Leading Directory

Source: Freepik
RWTHcontacts has replaced CAS CAMPUS and is the new leading Directory of Organizations and People at RWTH Aachen University.
RWTHcontacts presents the information of the Directory of Organizations and People furthermore makes it accessible worldwide. In the Directory of Organizations, organization administrators can maintain the functional addresses and contacts.
In the Directory of People at RWTH, organization administrators can maintain the official addresses and contact data of the people at their organization. In addition, it’s possible to create objects (e.g. rooms) and structure their common display using headings. The corresponding functionality of CAS Campus has thus been replaced. Read the rest of this entry »