

POSTER 2024 Conference in Prague

03. Juni 2024 | von

This month, the 28th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering POSTER 2024 took place, organized by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at CTU Prague. This event was an excellent opportunity for two of our students to gain their first experiences at an international conference and present work they have done in their Bachelor thesis or as student workers.

In addition to the scientific exchange, a very rich cultural program was provided, for which we would like to thank Professor Blazek for his enormous efforts.

In the Best Poster Award, Jana Berger and her co-author Julia Seitz were awarded third place in the session “Natural Science” for their contribution “How effortful is listening with different background noises?”.

Robert Schmitt and his co-author Carolin Breuer achieved second place in the session “Communications” with their work on “The Influence of Realistic Background Noise on Auditory Selective Attention”.

We congratulate on behalf of the IHTA! More photos are available on the conference website.

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