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Selvi: Interface between acoustic simulation of street canyons with façade sound insulation

2020-10-16 @ 11:30 - 12:00

The façade sound insulation is important in perspective that the growing traffic noise is causing annoyance in daily life activities in residential dwellings as well in worksites. The available façade sound insulation models depend on direct part of the sound field transmitted from the outdoor sources. From direct part of the sound field, façade sound insulation filters are applied and auralized at the receiver end through binaural technology including receiver room acoustics such as reverberation and spatial impression. Whereas, in actual street scenes there exist other surrounding buildings which make the sound signals more complex including early reflections and diffractions that are received at façades. That is why the transmitted sound through façade into dwellings should be treated as a complex sound filed including direct, early reflections and reverberant parts of the sound filed originated from the sound sources. The aim of this thesis is to interface an outdoor sound propagation model with a sound insulation model to create a simulation, which would allow the reproduction of a sound signal in a room, which was emitted by an outdoor source, considering not only direct sound but also the early reflections and the reverberant part of the sound field. The results from the outdoor sound propagation model are integrated into building acoustics auralization framework for verification and perceptual studies of façade sound insulation under different outdoor scenes. The listening tests are conducted to analyse the effects of façade sound insulation on the perception and localization capabilities of the human under different complexities of the outdoor sound propagation model as well as for the different complexities of the street scenes.

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Zoom-Meeting-ID: 949 6103 0343
Passwort: 037685


11:30 - 12:00

