

Schlagwort: ‘Conference’

POSTER 2023 Conference in Prag

09. Juni 2023 | von

Mid last month, three of our Ph.D. students had the opportunity to present their work at the 27th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering (POSTER 2023) in Prague, which is organized by the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at CTU Prague.

In the Best Poster Award,  Jonas Heck and his co-author Christian Dreier achieved the fourth place in the session „History of Science“ with their contribution „Towards an Immersive Audio-visual Model of Copacabana for Future Urban Studies“.

Cosima A. Ermert was awarded with the second place in the session „Communications“ with her work on „Short-Term Memory Performance under Gender and Spatial Audio-Visual Mismatch“.

Anthor second place went to Julia Seitz and her co-author Karin Loh for their poster on „A Listening Experiment to Study Intentional Switching of Auditory Selective Attention in Preschool Children“ in the session „Natural Science“.

We congratulate on behalf of the IHTA! More photos are available on the conference website.

DAGA 2023 in Hamburg – 49th Annual Conference on Acoustics

19. April 2023 | von

The 49th Annual Conference on Acoustics DAGA took place from March 6th to March 9th 2023, in Hamburg. The IHTA was represented there with 22 presentations and seven posters. The researchers presented their work in eleven different subject areas. This shows the broad range of topics the Institute covers in hearing technology and acoustics.

During the conference, the technical committees of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Akustik e.V. (DEGA) met. In the technical committee Hörtechnik (Hearing Acoustics) Professor Janina Fels handed over the chair position after six years. Besides, the technical group Junge DEGA selected Simon Kersten as its new chairman. Jonas Heck, who was elected as deputy, supports him in this position.

After the dinner at the social evening on Wednesday, the IHTA Band performed two songs from their repertoire. On Thursday, a small group took the opportunity to participate in an excursion to the Elbphilharmonie. Not only the grand hall was visited, but also the rooftop was climbed.

DAGA 2020 – Travel grants

28. Oktober 2019 | von

Die Gesellschaft für Technische Akustik (GfTA e.V.) möchte Studierende des ITAs unterstützen an der kommenden Jahrestagung für Akustik (DAGA 2020) teilzunehmen. Diese findet vom 16. bis zum 19. März 2020 in Hannover statt und bietet eine sehr gute Möglichkeit, erste Erfahrungen bei wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen zu sammeln.

Die GfTA fördert in diesem Jahr zwei Studierende durch einen Reisezuschuss (Travel grant) in Höhe von jeweils 200€. Kandidaten müssen keinen wissenschaftlichen Beitrag bei der Konferenz einreichen, sollten aber zuvor noch keine DAGA-Konferenz besucht haben und entweder aktuell oder kürzlich an einer Lehrveranstaltung am ITA teilgenommen haben.

Um Dich für den Travel grant zu bewerben, schreibe eine Email an Gottfried Behler und erkläre in ein oder zwei Sätzen, warum Du motiviert bist, an einer Akustik-Konferenz teilzunehmen. Die Deadline für Bewerbungen ist der 1.12.2019, die Bekanntgabe der beiden Gewinner erfolgt bei der diesjährigen Weihnachtsfeier.