

NRW state government issues far-reaching ban on contact

March 24th, 2020 | by

Together with the other federal states, the state government of North Rhine-Westphalia has issued a far-reaching ban on contact. The “Ordinance for Protection Against New Infection with the Corona Virus” (CoronaSchVO) is to be understood as a minimum standard.

The following regulations must be observed in all areas of RWTH:

  • Physical work meetings of two or more people may only be carried out if they are absolutely necessary for the current operation of RWTH and a digital form of work cannot be arranged, even with restrictions.
  • A minimum distance of two meters between two people must be observed for all activities. If this is not possible, the activity may only take place under compensation measures previously agreed with the occupational safety department.
  • §1 (1) of the CoronaSchVo. prohibits travelers returning from risk areas from entering the area. The prohibition of entry for persons coming from risk areas naturally also applies to the employees of external contractors.
  • Infected university members (not simply suspected cases) must be reported immediately to the university medical center.

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