

Kategorie: ‘Allgemein’

In-Person Advising Will Continue to Be Limited

May 27th, 2020 | by

For the protection of all university members and visitors, personal advising sessions can only be held in person to a limited extent at RWTH until at least July 31. Due to the large number of individual advising services on offer, it is not possible to provide an exhaustive list at this point. Please get in touch with or visit to the web pages of the University institution providing the service.

Regulations and Effective Dates

Coronavirus FAQ

No In-Person Events Outside of Teaching at Least Until June 22

May 27th, 2020 | by

As a further measure to contain the corona pandemic and to protect university staff, in-person events outside of teaching and learning are not permitted take place until at least June 22. However, it is expressly desired that events be offered in digital format.

Regulations and Effective Dates

Coronavirus FAQ

University Sports Center Extends Non-Contact Interim Program

May 27th, 2020 | by

The University Sports Center (HSZ) will be offering an extended interim program from June 2, 2020. This will include indoor activities and the reopening of the RWTH GYM, as the HSZ announced yesterday. Although the government of North Rhine-Westphalia will allow contact sports again from May 30, the HSZ has decided against offering them. “We hope you can understand that the HSZ will not be offering contact sports,” explains Peter Lynen, head of the HSZ.

The university management has decided to start the program with caution. This will initially be non-contact in order to prevent the corona virus from spreading. “In this context, we hope that you understand that the sports activities made possible by the state of NRW cannot always be resumed immediately from the time of the announcement. The reason for this is, on the one hand, the very short notice of the regulation changes and, on the other hand, the time and staff required to responsibly implement the new regulations. This also serves to minimize possible risks for all athletes,” Lynen continued.

Updated RWTH Remote Work Guidelines

May 27th, 2020 | by

Despite the easing of restrictions and regulations in some areas of public life, the coronavirus still is a national public health emergency. In order to protect employees and students from infection, RWTH needs to take measures that are appropriate in the current situation.

Now the University needs to determine the next steps towards resuming normal operations, which will hopefully become possible soon.

As far as work from home arrangements are concerned, after June 1, 2020, working from home is to be encouraged where feasible, i.e., as long as employees can fulfill their essential job duties remotely and it contributes to improved prevention of infection.

In order to achieve an appropriate solution that takes the interests of all involved into account, managers in the respective University institutions should consult with their employees.

In principle, there are no objections against carrying out essential tasks on campus at RWTH as long as this does not involve any risk higher than that posed by engaging in normal everyday activities.

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Tips for Remote Working During the Coronavirus Pandemic

May 27th, 2020 | by

Due to the current coronavirus pandemic, RWTH encourages its employees to work from home where possible. As a result, employees find themselves in a situation where they are working from home for weeks at a time without having any prior experience. Furthermore, combining working at home while also looking after children is putting employees under greater strain.

In this exceptional situation, there has been little time to prepare the sudden switch to remote work, resulting initially in makeshift solutions.

These guidelines seek to provide you with general tips and hints in oder to make working from home a more pleasant and stress-free experience.

Read the rest of this entry »

Learning and Reading Rooms Remain Closed Until at Least June 22

May 27th, 2020 | by

Despite the initial easing of some measures, RWTH has decided to extend the temporary closure of its learning and reading rooms until at least June 22, 2020. As it is difficult to comply with the hygiene and safety regulations in these rooms, this is considered an important step towards the further containment of the pandemic. The decision was made with the involvement of the constitutional student body. The learning and reading rooms at the University Library will also remain closed during this time.

Updated Regulations on (Business) Travel

May 27th, 2020 | by

In accordance with the legal requirements, travelers from abroad must undergo a 14-day quarantine if they have been abroad for more than 72 hours. This does not apply to individuals who

  • have stayed in an EU member country or in Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, the UK, or Northern Ireland, unless the number of new infections in the respective country rises above a threshold of 50 per 100,000 people within the last seven days (according to the estimates of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control). Please note that quarantine requirements may be imposed when travelling abroad on university business. For this reason, travelers are advised to check the RKI website regularly before embarking on and during a business trip.
  • have stayed in a country which, according to the RKI, does not require any coronavirus-related protective measures

This regulation also applies to business trips. Any business trips which, according to the above regulation, would result in a quarantine period must be reported, and the responsible university institution must ensure that the resulting quarantine regulations are observed. If any quarantine obligation arises during the business trip, this must be reported subsequently.

In principle, the possibility of using alternative forms of communication, such as video and telephone conferences, should be checked before approving international travel. In addition to a possible risk of infection, many states have imposed entry restrictions and/or restrictions on public life and mobility. Travellers should consult the Federal Foreign Office’s travel advice for up-to-date information on entry requirement currently in place. Under the given circumstances, until further notice, it is strongly recommended to book flights exclusively through RWTH Aachen University’s travel agencies.

FAQ About the Coronavirus Situation

Regulations and Effective Dates


Third Episode of the “Corona und das Studi-Life” Podcast

May 26th, 2020 | by

In the third episode of the “Corona und das Studi-Life” podcast, Cornelia, a student, talks to Johann Vohn from AStA about financial problems when studying and what options there are for those affected by this situation. The podcast series was developed by the Student Health Management of RWTH.–Johann-fragen-eegn00

Rules for Visitors to Uniklinik RWTH Aachen

May 26th, 2020 | by

The coronavirus-related regulations of the State of NRW as laid out in the Coronaschutzverordnung (CoronaSchVO) define the conditions under which hospitals, including Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, can be visited. This regulation requires that the name and contact details of all visitors as well as the name of the patient to be visited must be documented. For this reason, Uniklinik provides a questionnaire and further information on the Uniklinik website. On site at Uniklinik, there is a tent on the forecourt, where visitors of in-patients have to register in order to receive a pass with which they are allowed to enter the hospital.

RWTH Podcast: Our Answers to the Coronavirus Crisis – Episode 2 With Professor Frank Piller

May 25th, 2020 | by

What impact does the coronavirus pandemic have on innovation? This is the question addressed in the second episode of the RWTH podcast “Coronavirus – Our Answers to the Pandemic”.

Today’s speaker is  Frank Piller, professor of technology and innovation management at RWTH Aachen University.

Professor Roger Häußling and his team from the RWTH Chair of Technology and Organization are currently conducting interviews with a broad range of university representatives, including innovators in teaching & learning, virologists and physicians from the Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, the RWTH Rectorate, the ASta Students’ Committee, political scientists, as well as experts in ethics, business & economics (including innovation research), computer science, and mechanical engineering. In the second episode of the podcast, he talks to Frank Piller about current opportunities for digital innovation.

RWTH Podcast: Coronavirus – Our Answers to the Pandemic