Source: Freepik
The DataCite team has launched a survey on the future design of the DataCite metadata schema. Have you participated yet?
Brief Introduction: DataCite
DataCite is a global non-profit community of organisations and researchers that aims to provide easy access to research data to ensure its transparency and sustainable use. To this end, the initiative provides permanent identifiers (DOI) for research data as well as other research outputs and develops additional services to improve DOI management.
With DataCite’s assistance, the organisation and FAIRification of research data is made easy. For example, DataCite DOI registration takes less than a minute. With it, your research results become findable and uniquely identifiable.
In order to describe research data not only in a schema-compliant manner, but also as interoperable as possible, DataCite provides a relieving tool in the form of the metadata generator. Metadata uploaded to DataCite are located in a central place and can be found by all interested parties. The metadata on the research results of DataCite members also appear in other search engines.
Help Shape the Development of the DataCite Metadata Schema
When describing research data, the use of a widely used metadata schema is recommended, as this increases the findability and re-use of research data. The metadata schema published by DataCite has established itself as the model used worldwide.
With this survey, the DataCite team invites you to help shape the direction of the metadata schema and share your thoughts on the value of metadata for your own organisation. Among other things, DataCite wants to know how your institution registers or uses DOI metadata, and how often you make changes to align with updates to the DataCite metadata schema.
The survey consists of three parts:
- general questions
- questions about repositories and services
- questions on metadata use
In addition, there is the possibility to submit specific suggestions for changes. The deadline for responses is July 7, 2023.
Learn More
If you have any questions about the metadata schema or RDM in general, simply write a message to the IT-ServiceDesk. The RDM team is looking forward to hearing from you.
Responsible for the content of this article is Sophia Nosthoff.
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